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Bridesmaid asks if she's wrong for refusing to dye her 'attention grabbing' hair.

Bridesmaid asks if she's wrong for refusing to dye her 'attention grabbing' hair.


Because it's their special day, brides can be a little demanding when it comes to planning weddings, but this chick takes the tiered cake. Ella, as Redditor bridehairthrowaway calls her, has a very specific dress code for her bridesmaids that does not include red hair.

She writes:

So I've known my friend, who I'll refer to as Ella, since I was a child as she's the daughter of family friends but we've only become close in the past 2 or 3 years. She recently became engaged, and I readily accepted her offer to be part of her bridal party.

Yesterday morning I received an email from Ella. It seemed pretty standard but then when she got into the look she wants for her bridesmaids she wrote "Bridehairthrowaway, you'll need to dye your hair for the day, I'll take you to my hairdresser and cover the cost :)".

This had never been mentioned to me. I'm a natural ginger, so it's not like I have an outrageous hair colour, although Ella and her other bridesmaids are all brunettes.

I texted Ella about it, she told me my hair would clash with the wedding colours and that brides get a veto over pretty much every aspect of her bridesmaids' appearances. She also mentioned my hair is quite "attention-grabbing" and I'd take away from the cohesiveness of the group. I told her I wasn't comfortable dying my hair. She said she'd get back to me but hoped I'd reconsider.

bridehairthrowaway sought reassurance that she's not as crazy as her friend.

Am I being reasonable here? I've never been involved in a wedding before so I'm not quite sure what's expected of me. I've gotten some messages from the other bridesmaids who are telling me I should just do it.

TL;DR; requested by bride to dye my natural hair to make the bridal party more cohesive. I don't want.

Redditors commented to tell bridehairthrowaway not to give in to the bridezilla.

kallisti_gold offered a quick sample reply to Ella.

"That's not going to happen," is an appropriate response.

bickets thinks this is only the beginning.

She knows you're an actual person, right? Not a scarf or purse or some other accessory whose entire purpose is to make her look better? I really, really think you should back out of this wedding as politely as you can now. That level of bridezilla is only going to get worse.

What's next: this poor bridesmaid will have to dye her pubic hair?

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