'AITA for refusing to cater to one student’s dietary restrictions when bringing snacks?'
"AITA for refusing to cater to one student’s dietary restrictions when bringing snacks?" My son’s in the 3rd grade, and his teacher asked if parents could help by bringing snacks throughout the...
Amy Goldberg
'My SIL licked my face and now my brother is not talking to me. AITA?' UPDATED 2X
"My SIL licked my face and now my brother is not talking to me. AITA?" Alright. I'm sorry for the title, but that's as concise as I could be about it. I am 22M and my brother is 28M. He's been...
Amy Goldberg
'AITA for cutting off my MIL after she made a joke about sabotaging our birth control?' UPDATED
"AITA for cutting off my MIL after she made a joke about sabotaging our birth control?" I, 38F, have been togheter with my husband "James" for 4 years. We are both childfree and do not intend to have kids in...
Amy Goldberg
Husband increasingly uncomfortable with SIL's 'inappropriate behavior; 'Every boundary, she's crossed.' AITA?
"WIBTA if kick my sister in law out because her behaviour is bordering on inappropriate?" ace_ventura1296 Me (M38) and wife (F34) have been married for 7 years and have a decent partnership going on. A few...
Amanda Hurley