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19 people with incurable cases of main character syndrome.

19 people with incurable cases of main character syndrome.


1. This person to take on big ice cream in the name of God:

2. This ableist garbage person:

3. This person who chose the wrong restaurant:

4. This mom with very a specific platform:

5. This person who probably does their own research:

6. This fan who never learned their manners:

7. This parent who couldn't possibly be the problem:

8. This sub-loving grandparent:

9. This ex who's a little too casual about his privilege

10. This friend to children:

11. This little boy who cried 'b*tch'

12. This beacon of compassion:

13. This family who doesn't know about other dogs:

14. This thirsty hero:

15. This racist who can't go to Target alone:

16. This resourceful shopper:

17. This stud who's just looking for his manic pixie dream goth:

18. This mom demanding Disney World reform:

19. This influencer who couldn't influence her way to free food:

Sources: Reddit
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