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Roommate shames 'disgusting' friend for only showering once in 6 months.

Roommate shames 'disgusting' friend for only showering once in 6 months.

We all know hygiene is essential for our personal health, but it is also pretty darn important in our personal relationships.

Share a bathroom with someone you've known for a while and you might have a drastically different opinion of them. Living with a friend is almost always complicated and unfortunately, those tensions have the potential to end even the strongest of relationships. One woman took to Reddit after she had finally had it up to her nose with her stinky friend crashing in her apartment.

SnooCauliflowers5659 opens the internet window and airs their complaint, explaining:

My roommate never showers...

To preface this, I have been friends with this girl for well over 7 years. I had no intentions on living with her but she moved out of state with her partner, sh*t went south and I decided to help her out.

She has been living with my partner and I for over 6 months, though it was supposed to be a short stay to get a job and get back on her feet, and I have learned a lot about her that honestly kind of repulses me.

She has only showered once, in 6 months. I sh*t you not, I cannot make this up. She takes a BATH every day but has only showered one singular time in her entire time living with us. No pre shower to the bath or rinse after, no shower head action, nothing.

She uses bubble bath every single time, too. She has NEVER washed her towel either and only has one. This might be tmi but there is literally period blood all over the towel from her drying off after a bath, which that in itself speaks volumes.

Obviously she isn't getting clean, at all. She has had greasy hair since they first day I have met her and now I know why, because she is never clean. Ever.

She has also never done laundry here. Her bedding is covered in stains of all sorts and she has animals that live in her room. She has only washed her work clothes once at her parents' house but other than that, nothing.

The washer and dryer have been open for her to use and I have told her numerous times she is welcome to it. I don't all.

There is no way after 6 MONTHS she has clean underwear left to wear. She has another partner and they have definitely done the deed, I dont understand how they, or any of her previous partners, haven't said anything...I just can't get over it!

This hygiene judgement sparked a lot of differing opinions from commenters.

Ahiru_no_inu felt attacked as a bath-taker:

Is taking a bubble bath and not rinsing off weird? All the other parts sounds bad but I have been a bath person most of my life. I take a bath and wash my hair every day to every other day.

I make sure I wash my hair and normally change my clothing a couple times throughout the day. I have never had a problem with having a bad smell. I only shower shower when I see my boyfriend partly due to where I live having bad water pressure and his place having excellent water pressure.

But 33Sammi32 supports the OP fully, sharing their story:

Oh jeez. I have dealt with this before. You need to nip it in the bud now. I lived a nightmare for over a year before finally had to end the lease. This guy was the same way. Messy room, seemed to shower but was likely pretending as he was too big and out of shape to be able to clean everything properly.

I brought it to his attention and his response was to spray half a can of Axe on him every day and clear out all the food in his fridge, and then complain to us in an accusing tone that it’s expensive to buy food and deodorant.

The axe fumes were harmful to our health so we asked him to spray himself outside. The room never improved and the smell became so awful 24/7 even with the door closed that I had to end the lease....he didn’t get his deposit back...

Advanced_Scientist74 offers a creative solution:

Spill water on them by accident. Then say something like “this water was kinda dirty, you should probably take a shower”.

No-Implement-7071 tries a more delicate approach:

Ask straight up or maybe do something in an inconspicuous way. I personally would get new soap, baby powder and cologne/perfume and just leave it somewhere she typically is. Maybe she will get the hints. If not, just say 'you smell like sh*t but it’s ok I got you'.

Have you ever had a roommate, or even a guest, stay with you that truly grossed you out? What did you do?

Sources: Reddit,Reddit
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