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17 people share the biggest lies they actually believed when they were kids.

17 people share the biggest lies they actually believed when they were kids.


'The tooth fairy won't come if you put your tooth out,' is just one of the many fun lies some parents tell their kids to keep them from throwing a temper tantrum in the cereal aisle...

So, when a Reddit user asked, 'What was the biggest lie you believed?' people were ready to share the fibs they fell for as both kids and adults. Age is just a number, but a hilarious story of gullibility will haunt you for every future family holiday.


As a little kid, dad told me that there was a greek god of sex called Fellatio. I'd never heard the word before. Then, freshman year of highschool, took a mythology class and asked the teacher, in class, why we hadn't talked about Fellatio. Silence.

'You know, the god of sex?' I'm cringing hard just typing this out.... got a nice little talk after class and dad almost peed his pants laughing that night. - cloysterss


Outside of dumb lies your parents tell you as kids, my friend who worked at a gas station with a big food station that has some ground beef items told me they use kangaroo meat for their ground beef because it was cheaper than cow. I am gullible with my friends. - _Goose_


That my parents were married. Truth is my father was, just not to my mother - left_over_croissant


The microwave will explode if I put my face too close to it while it’s heating food. - ezzysalazar


My hamster died while I was in school. Went back home,and I instantly saw he was a little bit different. My mum tricked me its the same hamster and he hasnt changed a bit. Mom told me truth few years later. I was so pissed off - changethename7


'The Tinder account was just a shared account for joking around with my friends. I never even logged in on my own.'

It was in fact his account which he had been using during the last three months of our relationship. And yes, I knew how unbelievable that sounds but I refused to believe that the man I trusted so much would ever do this to me. - Lila3847


'HR is here to support our employees.'. No... They are not... - Radykall1


Student loans are ‘good debt’ - catinnameonly


Friend of mine told me that soybeans picked in the daytime were used to make soy milk and soybeans picked in the nighttime we used to make soy sauce and that was the difference between the two. I told so many people. - bunnyswan


When I was a kid, my dad told me I made the BEST cold glasses of ice water. Nobody could make ice water quite like me. So, sure... He could get off the couch and get himself a glass of water, but since I was better at it, that burden fell to me. - secondphase


On April Fools while I was getting ready for school on a cold winter day, my mom told me 'School is cancelled! It's a snow day!' I ran around for a good 2 minutes celebrating before she told me 'April Fools!' I've never felt so betrayed in my life. - samivat


It’s illegal to turn on the dome light while the vehicle is moving. Turns out it’s just annoying as hell. - Ostrichman975


My mom told me when I was 5 and my favourite dog died that it doesn't matter that dogs die, because in 7 years they respawn. So I was like 'oh, fine, see you then bud, I will be older and we will play again'. - josevilla7


That my dad moved out and rented a room in the house of a female friend for tax reasons. - Eldhannas


When I was very young we had a pet hamster. He got out of his cage, so my dad put the cage in the basement thinking he might get hungry and get back in.

One morning I woke up and there was the hamster in his cage in the usual place. I asked my mom how they found him and she told me she opened the door to the cellar and there he was dragging his cage back upstairs.

It wasn't until I was a teenager and remembered the exchange that it occurred to me she obviously made that up. - censorized


That you need a license for children’s parties. That was the reason why I never had a party when I was little growing up. You need to get a license from the post office, but there’s only a certain amount of licenses available for that area. - VixenRoss


I had dumped some gasoline in an Arizona tea bottle to get a fire started. My sister seen me pour it on fire and she freaked thinking Arizona ice tea was flammable. I went along with it saying 'ya you didn't know that? That's why It's called Arizona because how hot it gets there.'

She was 20 yrs old. Around 5 years later we are camping and she says who's got some Arizona I can use to start this campfire. I looked at ther and didn't understand. She explained I told her it's flammable. I had no recollection.

She says she has been telling everyone for the last 5 years how bad it is for you and how flammable it is. - Tonyracs

Sources: Reddit
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