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Bride tells stepdad the brutal truth about why he's not walking her down the aisle.

Bride tells stepdad the brutal truth about why he's not walking her down the aisle.


When this girl is upset with her stepdad, she asks Reddit:

'AITA for telling my mom her husband can walk their children down the aisle but he was never my parent so is not walking me?'

My mom met her husband when I was 17 and she married him after five months of knowing him. I was already living with my grandparents so I could attend college when he moved in with her. So we never lived together.

He never parented me or put a roof over my head or any of the stuff that some might say makes him worthy of playing Father of the Bride. He's an okay guy but I don't love him or feel particularly close to him. He's just my mom's husband and the father to my half siblings she had with him once I was already moved out.

My mom has apparently decided though, that he has done 'so much for me' that I should be making him FOTB at my wedding and have him walk me down the aisle.

My dad died when I was still a baby so mom doesn't count him, even though they were married and everything. Though they were both very young so maybe she didn't give a shit about him and only married him because she got pregnant. IDK. But she was talking about her husband.

He was acting like he expected it too and was talking about how I'd need to be introduced to some of his friends and coworkers so when I invite them, they identify me as his daughter. I thought it was crazy. The man is not my parent and he's only family on a technicality but we are not close, we hardly see each other ever.

I told my mom it wasn't going to happen. She went crazy and accused me of being ungrateful and told me I was being disrespectful and how could he not walk his kid down the aisle.

I told him he could walk THEIR children down the aisle some day but he was never my parent and I was never his kid so he was not walking me. He was offended as hell. He told me he'd never do anything for me again.

I asked him what he had done. He said he took care of my mom and gave me siblings and he put me through college (he didn't).

He said if those things weren't appreciated then why did he even bother. Mom told me I should be worshiping the ground he walks on because he's been such a good dad.

She called me selfish some more and then I just walked out and blocked her. But she told my grandparents (her parents) and they asked could I do it to show I appreciate him for being there for mom and for being kind to me.

I told them he wasn't very kind to me there and I pointed out that my uncle, dad's brother, was already doing it. They told me it would be kind to let him. AITA?

Let's find out.

itsathrowawayduhhh writes:

NTA! Wow their reactions are annoying and weird! If he was in your life since you were a baby sure maybe I could understand it. But you were already moved out when he came into the picture! Sorry they’re being so ridiculous about this, try not to let it ruin your special day.

threeheathens8 writes:

NTA. So apparently the mother’s husband decided anything good that happened to OP was because of him? Does he think OP was raised by strangers until he showed up and then his now wife suddenly got her now grown daughter back?

As to paying for OP’s college wonder if he even knew what school she attended or what her degree is in.

And taking care of her mom and the children HE fathered I would think is what you sign up to do when you marry someone.

IMO if OP invites them as MOB plus 1 they should be thankful. And if they keep acting like this is a huge snub to them then just don’t invite either of them.

jctvole writes:

NTA. It's amazing how this act of entitlement probably has just destroyed any good feelings OP had about her mom's husband. It seems like he just went from 'good guy, glad he's there for mom' to 'delusional pushy asshole who thinks he's owed special status because he exists'.

But while we're on the subject, OP, I really think I should be the one to walk you down the aisle. Sure, we've never met, but I did something nice for someone once, I figure you owe me...

Well, looks like OP is NTA. What should do in this situation? Any advice for her?

Sources: Reddit
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