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5 celebs roast Elon Musk amidst Twitter takeover: Stephen King, Kanye West, & more.

5 celebs roast Elon Musk amidst Twitter takeover: Stephen King, Kanye West, & more.


If you're breathing, you're probably aware that Elon Musk has taken over Twitter.

Thanks to Elon, Twitter is now a battleground where users fight to the death over what it means to even be ON Twitter.

These five celebrities have made their stance known. Check out these celebs who have roasted Elon and left Twitter admist Musk's takeover. Oh, and you're going to want to check out the reactions to the celeb departures (they're even funnier.) Here we go!

1. Jim Carrey.

Ace Ventura pet detective is off Twitter? NOOOOOOO.
Ace Ventura pet detective is off Twitter? NOOOOOOO.

That's right, beloved Jim Carrey is off Twitter. He doesn't necessarily roast Elon Musk, but it's understood in his kooky Tweet above that he's not a fan. Speaking of not being a fan, check out these responses to Jim Carrey's dramatic exit that humiliate Mr. Carrey in return.

And wait, there are rumors that Jim Carrey went to Epstein's island? And people are upset about that too. Take a look.

Okay, seems like Jim's exit is getting a lot of hate. Bye bye Jimmy! I'd say we'd miss you but many people did not know you were ON Twitter. See below.

2. Kanye West.

Kanye and his never ends.
Kanye and his never ends.

Kanye West has made it known in various ways that he will say whatever he wants online. In fact, he's gotten into a LOT of trouble over it. Elon JUST SUSPENDED HIS ACCOUNT. Mr. Musk made a big deal about allowing free speech on Twitter. After that, Kanye got back on the app, posted something that offended a lot of people, and then posted an unflattering photo of Elon? going on? Take a look at some of the reactions.

Elon's responses to this whole suspension are so bizarre. Take a look.

Well, that was officially a rollercoaster. Onto the next celebrity.

3. Shonda Rhimes.

Goodbye Shonda.
Goodbye Shonda.

The beloved creator of shows like Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice left Twitter with this mic drop.

Let's not leave you hanging. There are some controversial and funny reaction tweets to Shonda's departure that you don't want to miss. Check these out.

Wowza, the drama never ends on this app these days. Onto the next ROAST.

4. Stephen King.

The king of horror? NO WAY.
The king of horror? NO WAY.

Stephen King really puts Elon in his place. Take a look.

OOOO. Sick burns. But Stephen King really got under Elon's skin with this tweet. See below.

Elon could not handle this pillow roast apparently. So he responded to Stephen, not one, not two, but three times.

Okay, well this horror show of an exchange was worse than any of Stephen King's novels, and that's saying a lot.

5. Kathy Griffin.

Talk about chatty Kathy.
Talk about chatty Kathy.

You might have heard that Kathy Griffin impersonated Elon Musk on Twitter. Then he banned her from the app. THEN, he reinstated her account but spelled her name wrong, to which she responded with a brutal roast on another social media app, where she called Elon a 'fool.' Now she's trapped in purgatory again, apparently tweeting from her deceased mother's account.

Now, Twitter is up in arms and writing tweets that say #freekathy. Take a look.

Well, there you have it folks, five celebrites that left Twitter and roasted Elon on the way out. What's YOUR favorite roast? Because whether or not you're a fan of Elon, you have to admit that the drama is scintillating.

Sources: Twitter
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