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Teenage boy calls teacher a 'Karen,' says, 'f**k her, she knows what happened to me.'

Teenage boy calls teacher a 'Karen,' says, 'f**k her, she knows what happened to me.'

When this student is upset with his teacher, she asks Reddit:

'AITA for Calling My High School Teacher a Karen and Refusing to Apologize?'

I (17m) am a high school student and work a part-time job. I work every day except Sundays and Mondays.

2 years ago, my mom (51F) abandoned me. I woke up one morning to my aunt banging on my front door, saying that my mom called her and admitted to moving away with her boyfriend.

My aunt and I called my mom frantically and when she finally answered, she told us that she never wanted to be a mom.

Up until this point, my mom had been amazing. She had a good-paying job, she was on the PTA, everything.

I begged her to come home but she said that she, for her mental health, couldn’t do “this” any longer and that since I was 15 at the time, that I could basically take care of myself. She left me about $500 but that was it.

My aunt and uncle, who is paralyzed, don’t charge me anything for rent but I still felt obligated to find a job to help out. My aunt can’t work because she’s a full-time caregiver, so they make ends meet with my uncle’s monthly disability check.

My aunt refuses to take any money from me but asks me to buy household things like toiletries.

Because of this, I was able to save enough money to buy a car. My pastor owns a used car lot and he slashed one of his car prices in half just so I could afford it.

Since I’m a senior, I usually go to my car during opportunity block (study hall) to get some sleep. I have all of the credits needed to graduate except for two core classes.

Seniors who have enough credits to graduate are still required to come to school but they have opportunity blocks for studying, but most just end up in the library on the computers.

Teacher and student parking lots are separate, so I was surprised when one of the 10th-grade teachers knocked on my window and told me that I couldn’t sleep in my car during school hours. She said it went against safety policies.

I explained that I was on opportunity block but she told me that I needed to be inside. I did what she told me to do to avoid an argument, but the next day I went back to my car. I laid the seat flat so but she still found me.

She told me that if she saw me in my car again, that she was going to have me written up. I told her that I worked and that I would only end up going to sleep in the library. She got mad.

'She called me insubordinate and told me that she was going to get security because I wouldn’t listen to her. I called her a Karen because she yelled and demanded things of me when I wasn’t bothering anyone. F**k HER. She knows i'm going through it.

I ended up in the office, and the principal said that he was surprised by my attitude but asked me to apologize. I told him no, because I had done nothing wrong. He said that if I won’t apologize that I’d be sent to ISS for the week, which is where I am now.

Surprisingly no one called my aunt to tell her what happened. My uncle has a pretty bad bedsore, so she’s really stressed about that so I kept this to myself. I spoke with my pastor. He says he sees where I’m coming from but still thinks I should apologize but I refuse. AITA?

Let's find out.

mbminx writes:

YTA. I can see where you are coming from, but the teacher has a point. It is a security issue to let students - minors - sleep in cars, unsupervised.

The school is liable for your safety, so they have certain requirements you have to follow. It may not make sense to you, but that's the way things are.

On top of intentionally violating security protocol, you were very rude. That's two things you did wrong. You should apologize.

litup writes:

YTA. You've overcome a lot in your life and I commend you for that, but you are disrespecting this teacher and the rules of the school to try to prove a point.

Part of being a grown up is learning that you are not exempt from the rules and apologizing when you step out of line. Clearly you haven't learned that yet.

seasnow1010 writes:

ESH. I understand where you are coming from but you need to learn that institutions, no matter educational or corporate have certain rules that need to be adhered to.

You are in school and just have a little punishment to follow through this time, but if you behave this way and stoop to name calling when you step out into the real world as an adult, nobody will ask you twice and you will be fired.

Maybe it was your tiredness that made you call her out like that, but you should apologize and get it over with. You will need to learn to choose your battles very soon and this is a good example of it.

Well, jury's out on this one. What do YOU think?

Sources: Reddit
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