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Mom ignores children's 'weird' school supply standards, says, 'I know what's best.'

Mom ignores children's 'weird' school supply standards, says, 'I know what's best.'

When this mom is upset about school supplies, she asks Reddit:

'AITA for not following the school supply standards for my children?'

I - 35M - have two children, 9M and 5M. My littlest one is going into kindergarten and I was so excited to properly include him in our school shopping routine.

He's always tagged along with his brother and gotten his own arts and crafts stuff to use at home, of course, but there's a new layer of excitement this year.

We always allow independence in choices, as long as it doesn't become inconvenient. For example, if my kid picks out the 120 count crayons, we might redirect him to the 96 count instead since that's easier to carry around in his backpack.

Other than practicality, we don't try to persuade them in any way. It's always a fun experience and a great way to kick off the school year (and to relieve some of those 'oh god my baby is leaving me' fears for my husband and I with our 5yo.)

We usually grab quite a few of the items on the teacher's wish list as well and make a point to wrap it up nicely as a little thank you present from our children to the educator that will be spending the year with them.

This year upon receiving the school supplies list, there is a note made at the top that all supplies should be exactly as listed on the sheet (such as, a 24 pack of crayons) as all items will be shared with every student in the class. This was confusing for me, as I buy the items specifically for my children.

I decided I was going to go through with our supply shopping tradition as normal - never getting anything LESS than what was required, of course - and send a note with both of my boys that their items would be their own and could be kept in their backpacks as usual.

When I expressed this sentiment to those around me (aside from my husband, who was on my side) they weren't very receptive to the idea. AITA for not following the rules listed?

Let's find out.

kaj3450 writes:

YTA - for the reasons others have mentioned, 14 years in the public schools. You don't want to start the year being that parent, you just don't. Most classrooms I was in, extra items were simply sent home or not used.

May I suggest that you could set up a homework station at home with some of the 'off list' items that your kiddos would like.

crayteacer576 writes:

You act like your kid won't be able to use the supplies. It's communal because that is what works logistically. Try keeping 25 little 3rd graders and their desks organized for 10 months.

(Miss, I can't find my scissors! Miss, I don't have a pencil. Miss, miss, miss...) Yes there is the occasional Sally who is Type A and always keeps her things neat as a pin. That child is rare and special.

Most kids, bless their hearts, would lose half of their supplies by the end of the 2nd day.

violetsprouts87 writes:

It’s a “first impression” thing. If your first interaction with that teacher is you being all “me me me,” that teacher is going to dread dealing with you. They won’t treat your child poorly, but they’ll internally roll their eyes every time they have to interact with you.

Looks like OP is being an AH. What do YOU think she should do?

Sources: Reddit
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