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Woman gets banned in neighborhood after using profanity in front of kids. AITA?

Woman gets banned in neighborhood after using profanity in front of kids. AITA?

When this woman feels guilty about her behavior in her neighborhood, she asks Reddit:

'AITA for telling a crazy lady that I can go wherever I want after she “banned” me from going to her area of the neighbourhood after I cursed around her kids??'

One day, I was outside chilling with my friends and while we were talking, I dropped the F bomb. This lady (former friend’s mom) came RUNNING at me shouting that it was absolutely inappropriate of me to be swearing around her children and if we can’t be gentle, we should move elsewhere.

I told her to calm down because people cuss and it’s perfectly fine because her kids will grow up and swear too. She got louder with me and told me she will call the police if she sees us hanging around that area because we can’t go there anymore. I told her that I had the right to go wherever the hell I wanted and she can’t tell me where to go.

Since this lady was the mom of a former friend, she came to my house and complained to my parents. After she left, we had a talk. I told them what she said about us not being able to go there and my parents sided with me and said she can’t tell me where I can or can’t go. AITA for telling her I’m free to go where I’d like even though I still cussed around her kids??

Let's find out.

practicalprimrose writes:

ESH. Part of swearing is knowing when the language is appropriate and when it isn’t. Sounds like you’re still learning that. Don't be rude around kids. But yeah, she can’t tell you where to go.

onyxnoire writes:

NTA - Her reaction was bang out of order and probably made the word more interesting to her children by her reaction. She is setting a hideous example. ALSO I bet her children were old enough to know worse, not like she had 3-8 year olds hanging around your ankles.

I make a conscious effort not to swear in front of children (lots of FUH...DGE!), professional locations (such as work) and my mum (she hates it) but outside of that my casual explicit epilogues are not going to harm anyone :D. My facial expressions say worse than my swearing does!

miserableperson8 writes:

ESH. She can’t tell you where you can go, but all you had to do to de-escalate the situation was tell her you wouldn’t swear around young children. I don’t think it’s unreasonable for her to want her kids to be able to play outside without hearing F bombs. You telling her to calm down because her kids were going to swear too was kind of an AH thing to say.

Looks like the internet is torn on this one. Is OP TA? What do YOU think?

Sources: Reddit
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