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14 people share their weirdest experience at someone else's house.

14 people share their weirdest experience at someone else's house.


Being a guest in someone else's home is all fine and dandy until things take a turn, and you find yourself wanting to climb out a window to avoid witnessing any more awkwardness.

Luckily, the worst, weirdest experiences in someone else's home are usually few and far between. But if anything, that just makes their haunting memory stand out even more.

In a popular post on Ask Reddit, people shared their worst and weirdest experience at someone else's house, and it truly runs the gamut.

1. From Main-Not-For-Porn:

At someone’s birthday party at her house. She divided us into groups and made us write songs about her.

2. From SuvenPan:

Stayed at my friend's house one time and found out her family only uses red light bulb in their house because an astrologer told them to do so.

3. From DogShampoop:

This one time I was at my ex GFs (gf during that time) and we weren't doing very well in the relationship. We were in the driveway talking and we ended up sitting in her car while we talked about how the relationship wasn't the same as before and how we weren't really feeling like it was going anywhere, the regular talk before a breakup.

It was pretty tense and kinda sad. We noticed that the bathroom window was on, so we lowered our voices as we didn't want her family to hear us talking about breaking up. She was about to cry when we heard a massive, compressed fart echo through the confines of the porcelain toilet.

The atmosphere changed entirely, we tried not to laugh but it was impossible not to. Her mom called her with doubt as she asked her name. We rushed the hell out of the car and proceeded to laugh our a**es off. That day, whatever her mom ate before laying the log saved our relationship, we didn't break up until a few months later.

4. From llcucf80:

I remember when I was a kid, probably around 10 or so we went to friends of our family's for dinner. The husband and wife got into a very loud screaming match over whether to serve creamed corn or frozen corn. I'm talking in each other's faces and being shrilly loud.

Ten-year-old me was fascinated by how such a mundane object could arise such passions, and of course I wanted see how it turned out but we were instead quickly ordered into the car and left. Still never understand how corn caused such a disagreement. I found out later they got divorced

5. From Shigeko_Kageyama:

One time I went to a sleepover when I was 12 and the mom was there the whole time. I don't just mean in the house doing her own thing, I mean she had a sleeping bag out on the living room floor with all of us. Most awkward sleepover I've ever been to. Worst part is the girl didn't even think it was weird. Also we have to go to bed at 8:00, so there's that.

6. From _G_P_:

They had a room furnished as a mini chapel dedicated to worshipping Satan. With a big upside cross and an altar and whatnot. In retrospect, I wish I could have taken a photo.

7. From Yelloms:

In college I drank WAY too much, one weekend a friend invited a group of us the go ice fishing and then stay the night at his parents' house. I became black-out drunk and in the morning I woke up in his childhood bedroom which still had old toys, silly wallpaper and rocketship blankets.

It was so surreal, I sat there for what felt like forever, terrified, desperately trying to remember where I was and how I got there. It's one of only a few times I've legitimately panicked.

8. From helllrabbit:

I went over to a place that a person I was dating lived. He and his roommate of 3 years had insisted on permanently keeping all the windows open and essentially allowing the house to become…overgrown? They had multiple birds living in there. Also were random things written throughout the house in pen, sharpie, crayon, as if whenever they had a thought they’d scribble it down.

9. From YuuHikari:

We went to a foreign classmate's house to do our film class project. He said that since we're making a horror film, we could try filming in the dark storage space above the dining room.

So indeed he climbed up there to get some establishing shots but as soon as he crawled in, we found out the ceiling wasn't made of concrete and he ended up breaking the ceiling and falling down. Luckily he wasn't hurt but now there's a big human-sized hole in the ceiling.

Needless to say, his parents were pissed and we had to change our filming location to my aunt's condo.

10. From The_Spyre:

Watching my friend accidentally melt his finger with an oxyacetylene torch.

11. From Anaaatomy:

We were playing hide and seek and we found a pole for dancing in her parents' room.

12. From Martiallawtheology:

I went to one of my best friend's girlfriend's house for some R&R. She was always a dominant person who humiliates this guy, all the time. I never said anything of course. But his family and other friends always did. Haha. He decides to break up with her suddenly the day I was there.

She cut his SUV's tire

Set fire on it using kerosene.

He tried to stop her and her dog bit his stomach.

I ran into the house to bring the fire extinguisher and her mom fought with me thinking something else was going on.

Managed to kick her dog away, put the fire out and drive off with my friend, straight to the hospital, with one wheel that with a badly cut tire, no air.

13. From frank-sarno:

When I was a kid I went over to a friend's house. At some point they went to have dinner. 'They' meaning the whole family. I wasn't at any point asked to join them. So while they ate I sat in the living room and played on their Atari.

14. From ToadofToadsHall:

I am a sleepwalker. I was 13/14 staying the night at a friend's. It happened. I managed to ninja myself between the mattress and box of his parents bed.

While they were asleep in it!

His pop grabbed my ankles and yanked my tubby buttocks out onto the floor and invented curse words. I was not invited to return.

Sources: Reddit
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