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Guy's bouquet toss 'joke' goes badly; he's asked to leave wedding. AITA?

Guy's bouquet toss 'joke' goes badly; he's asked to leave wedding. AITA?


AITA for interfering in the bouquet toss at my GF's sister's wedding?

AITA for interfering in the bouquet toss at my GF's sister's wedding?

My girlfriend (we'll call her 'Maggie') and I went to her sister's wedding on Sunday (1/22). It was a great event, and things were going well for most of the evening. This was the first time I met Maggie's mother, but I had already met the rest of her family.

When it came time for the bouquet 💐 toss, Maggie was one of the ladies in the group to try & catch it. I thought I had an opportunity to be funny and lift the mood, so I stood behind Maggie and slapped the flowers 💐 to the ground before she could catch them. Idk if she actually would have been the one to catch them, but I did it anyways.

I was doing it as a joke, which I thought would be obvious to everyone (I was like 0.0001% serious, I'm actually not interested in marriage. I'm in my 20s). I really had no bad intentions & wasn't trying to upset anyone, I thought I would get a chuckle from the crowd.

After I slapped the bouquet 💐 to the floor there was an audible gasp from everyone around, followed by an awkward silence. I was a little embarrassed but I laughed anyways to try to nonverbally show everyone that it was a joke. Nobody laughed.

After a bit the moment had passed, and everyone was starting a big dinner. Nobody talked to me and I was getting a couple sideways glances. Maggie's mother eventually pulled me aside and (very respectfully) asked me to leave. To which I obliged. I didn't want to cause a scene.

A few weeks later my GF & her sister are over it, but the mom still seems weird about it. I haven't spoken to her since then. Was this an AH move? Or was it just a lighthearted joke that was misinterpreted?

Here's what people had to say:


YTA. It's a tradition that not many people take to heart. It's not an automatic you must be married thing. You made a unnecessary scene and damaged your relationship with your girlfriend AND her family. You ruined a possibly cute moment for no reason Jokes are supposed to be funny. So explain the joke. Seriously explain how ruining a moment at a wedding is so damn funny.

iWorkWithPlanes OP responded:

I didn't intend to ruin the moment, nor did I know that I would.

But the joke was meant to be that I didn't want to get married in this economy (traditionally in... I'm not sure what culture it stems from actually, but traditionally the person to catch the bouquet is the next person to get married).

Positivelythinking writes:

The brides normally prize the photographs from the wedding. The bouquet is one of those moments that was lost. Hey, move on from this sooner the better.

The_DaHowie writes:

To underscore this post, OP, this wasn't your day to be in the spotlight...

He_Who_Is_Right_ writes:

You were trying to lift the mood? Seriously? It was a wedding for goodness sake. The mood doesn't get more elevated than that! Yes, YTA.

reamCrusher914 writes:

At his girlfriend’s expense, no less! Nope, not gonna marry you, swipe! Hahahah so funny!! Everyone think that’s so funny!! My girlfriend is not marriage material!! I don’t wanna marry her!! All these people here who love her, you all get the joke, right?!

Sources: Reddit
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