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23 times people who don't understand geography got schooled online.

23 times people who don't understand geography got schooled online.


When you're in school, it's common to complain to the teacher and ask, 'when are we ever going to use this in the real world?' Well, geography class has a lot of practical implications, because it quite literally is the real world. These people didn't pay attention in school and were rightfully shamed for it.

1. Fact: Spain, Italy, and Greece are in Europe.

2. Fact: The Middle East is not Europe.

3. Fact: Austria is not Australia.

4. Fact: Toronto is in Canada, not the US.

5. Fact: that is the shape of the continent of Africa, not Asia.

6. Fact: The eagle was in Iran.

7. Fact: Colombia is a country.

8. Fact: Canada is not in Europe.

9. Fact: Indonesia is in Asia and not next to Syria.

10. Fact: California is in the US.

11. Fact: That is the flag of Sweden, not Ukraine.

12. Fact: That is a list of states, not countries.

13. Fact: Ohio is not a city.

14. Fact: Joe Biden has no jurisdiction over Toronto Catholic churches.

15. Fact: South Virginia is not a state.

16. Fact: South America isn't part of the US.

17. Fact: Dublin is not in the UK.

18. Fact: Ireland is Ireland.

19. Fact: That is South America.

20. Fact: Utah and Colorado are two different states.

21. Fact: Sri Lanka is in Asia.

22. Fact: England is in Europe, just not in the Eiropean Union.

23. Fact: New York is in America.

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