So, when a Reddit user asked, 'What did you try and found out it’s not for you?' people were ready to share the one thing they gave the old college try, but will never, under any circumstances, do again. R.I.P., working in the service industry or training for a marathon. We can't all be good at everything.
Playing the guitar. My teacher straight up promised to give me an A for effort if I didn't come to class anymore. - cassiecas88
Being a responsible adult, it's fucking sh*t - a_Tom_in_Turmoil
Being active on social media. I prefer to keep to myself and not share my life online. - happystar-
Trying to change myself to please everyone. It’s exhausting, it’s not self-respecting, and it took me too long to learn this. But at least I’ve learned and am growing from this. - chibinoi
Skiing. That rate of speed plus my severe anxiety did not work out. I didn't break my ankles but a part of my soul died - Onlyhere_4dogs
Water polo, when I was a student at Ball State University around 30 years ago. It's not just a little light swimming. I thought I was going to drown about two minutes into the experience. Got out of the pool and never looked back. - 1989DiscGolfer
I found that having a relationship, having sex, and potentially creating a family just wasn’t for me. I’ll be happy living the rest of my life single & childless, I have no desire for any of it. My closest family members don’t understand me though.. but thankfully they still accept me. I enjoy my life the way it is, it’s just a little awkward at the family cookouts. - Fear_Full
School. Always hated school as a kid. I was “gifted” so I breezed through it and now I’m a depressed, burnt out college kid. I hate school. I hate college. I learn best on my own at my own pace - dbear8008
Nightclubs. Grew up in a super religious house so I wasn’t allowed to go. Then I moved out and found them super boring and overwhelming. You can’t actually have a conversation, people seem to be acting to look cool and get laid and it can get super expensive. - Bluejim7
SCUBA. I love the water, I've been swimming since I was a tot. But the part of my brain that says breath, said 'NO' when I was underwater for any more than 10 minutes. I went out to do my qualification dive, made the swim to the buoy and on the return trip I left the water and informed my instructor.
He was there with another couple for their 2nd checkout dive and so finished with them and we all went home. I wish I could have done it, he even told me I had a year to come back and try it again, I drove by his storefront every day on the way to and from work and was never once tempted to stop in. - amNotTheMama
Casual hook ups. A committed relationship is far less stressful and more satisfying. - Extreme-Grapefruit-2
I tried a sensory deprivation tank because I thought it would be therapeutic, etc. and it devolved into a panic attack. I really tried to ride it out, but fifteen minutes in I crawled out crying and shivering.
Apparently some of us need to feel connected to our senses to feel… real? Also the salt burned the sh*t out of my scalp. Wear a swimming cap if you’re gonna try it. - lovethatcrooonch
Office jobs - nonamesayys
The hospitality sector. - ArtoriusTar-Morghwyn
Working in a daycare. Made me realize I love my kids not all kids - Number1Barooista
Being a teacher. I love the teaching. I hate being a teacher. The funny thing is that I'm still teaching. Will be changing after this school year is done. Do I know what to do? Not really, but I shiver at the thought of 'Another 30 years to go.' - espressomachiato