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A sister affair, a disappearing mom, and an offended wife 3 short AITA stories.

A sister affair, a disappearing mom, and an offended wife 3 short AITA stories.

"AITA for refusing to cover for my sister's affair when her husband confronted me?"

LiveTradition6222 writes:

My sister (32F) has been married to her husband (35M) for six years. We’ve always been close, but recently, she confided in me that she's been having an affair with her coworker. She claimed her marriage had been "on the rocks" and begged me not to tell anyone.

Fast forward to last weekend: her husband showed up at my place out of nowhere, visibly upset. He told me he had found some "suspicious" texts and asked if I knew anything. I panicked and said, "You should probably talk to her." That must have been a dead giveaway because he stormed off, and now my sister is furious. She says I basically confirmed the affair by being cagey and that I "ruined her life."

I told her I wasn't going to lie for her and that this mess was her responsibility. My parents think I should've done more to protect her, but I feel like she put me in an impossible situation. AITA?

"AITA for reminding my mom that she disappeared for six years?"

Forsaken-Year-7175 writes:

My (18) mom and dad divorced six years ago. Her new husband didn’t want her to see my dad, so she let my dad have custody of me and didn’t exercise visitation. She contacted us last month, saying she had divorced him and would like to reconnect.

Dad told me it was up to me, so I said, “Why not?” Things have been kind of awkward between us—obviously, I’ve changed a lot since the last time she saw me. When she came over yesterday, I was reading An Offer from a Gentleman.

My mom said, “You’re too young to be reading these toxic romance books.” I just stared at her and said, “I was 12 when you disappeared six years ago. I’m 18 now.” She spluttered for a moment and then told me there was no need to use that word, that she made a mistake, and that there was no reason to throw it in her face.

"AITA My [28M] Wife [27F] Got Offended While I Was Trying to Reassure Her?"

Sorry-Tumbleweed-239 writes:

This morning, my wife was getting dressed to go speak at a career panel at her old high school. She was panicking about what to wear. She asked me to use a Tide bleach pen on a white blazer to get a stain out, which I did, but then she realized it looked too “ostentatious” and decided against it. Then she realized she didn’t have anything except a gray blazer, black dress pants, and a green top.

When she came downstairs to show me her outfit, I enthusiastically told her that she looked good, but she wasn’t convinced and said that the pants and blazer didn’t match very well. I tried to compliment her again, and then she asked me not to lie to her.

I tried to be as constructive as possible and said, “Don’t worry, we can look into getting you matching pants and blazers soon,” which I think went over well. Then I made her a coffee, and she started to leave.

But then, as she was walking out the door, I told her, “Remember, they’re there for what you say, not for how you look,” and she just stared at me like I had cut her with a knife. As she was walking to her car, she turned and said, “Geez, I didn’t think I looked THAT bad…” and walked away. I tried to clarify, but she wasn’t having any of it.

I was just trying to reassure her that the students wouldn’t judge her for her clothes (a tad wishful, I suppose) and would only care about what she had to say, but it appears my message was lost. Am I the a&%!ole?

What do you think?

Sources: Reddit,Reddit,Reddit
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