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Sister asks LIVE: Should she 'accidentally' spill wine on woman wearing wedding dress at sister's wedding? + UPDATE

Sister asks LIVE: Should she 'accidentally' spill wine on woman wearing wedding dress at sister's wedding? + UPDATE

"AITA if I 'accidentally' trip and spill wine all over this girl who is wearing white to my sister’s wedding?"


Ok this is happening right now. I'm in the wedding venue watching my sister get married. So expect updates maybe?? I F(17) am at my sister's wedding right now (I'm so happy for her!).

Here's the problem, this random guest (who I don't know) is wearing the very beautiful very obvious wedding gown to what's supposed to be my sister's special day.

Back when I was younger and she was a teen she told me that if she got married and someone wore white to my wedding she wanted me to spill a gallon of syrup and glitter on her as payback.

Now the only unfortunate part is that I have no access to syrup or or glitter. You might be thinking wine because that's the most commonly used weapon in these situations but they won't let me near the alcohol table.

The only drinks available to the 5 children hear is sprite, orange juice, and water (great selection guys...). Now I would do orange juice but there is very little left and my cousin would murder me.

So what to do? I'm pretty sure everyone here has noticed the white dress and is a tad confused by it. My whole family and the grooms side aren't big tradition followers so you basically could wear anything to this wedding and not be directly called out.

However, this seems very deliberate and I know my sister has noticed it because how the heck would you not?! So AITA? Honestly just tell me what to do because I don't know. I might go talk to her; I love talking to crazy people! (Also don't come at me for making an AITA post about something so stupid cuz I find this hilarious).

Here were the top rated comments from readers in response to the OP's post:


Ask your sister if she approved this. If not, loudly ask the guest why she’s wearing white to someone else’s wedding. BUT CHECK WITH YOUR SISTER FIRST. NTA.


Do not do anything until you speak to your sister. Ask her what the deal is, who the person is, and if she is bothered by the dress. NTA for wanting to stick up for your sister, but get more info before you decide to do anything.


Hard to say as it depends on your sister’s wishes and who this woman is to her, you may be royally screwing up if you do this and you just don’t realise. If I were you, I would talk to your sister and say you either want to speak to this woman or potentially spill wine on her and see what she says.

IMO before wine, I would ask her why she’s wearing a wedding dress to another woman’s wedding. If she’s rude about it, take it from there. First though, speak to your sister if you’re able to.

The teen OP returned less than an hour later, still at the wedding, to respond.



So I want to make it clear that I am very much a gentle giant and would never do something so bold. Me and my cousin thought this would be pretty funny to see what other people thought.

Now I finally spoke to my sister and her husband. My sister actually didn't notice her and got pretty upset when I pointed it out (I feel kind of bad about that). I asked her if she knew the person to which she said no then ask her husband if he did and he said it was his cousin's plus one and girlfriend.

I asked her if she wanted me to do anything about it and she told me yes but also to not make a big scene out of it. So one things I'm pretty good at is info-fishing! I sidled my way up to the guest with my little cousin (not the same cousin as before) and started some small talk with the guests around her which eventually lead to her being brought into the conversation.

Now my little cousin is blunt and childish (which is why I brought his amazing self along) and asks why she has the white dress on (as planned). She stutters a little then mumbles something about her being color blind.

Ok! Pause. What? I've heard of color blindness where you can't see anything but black or white and if ima be honest I kind of just walked away after that. Like, how do I respond to that?

Because, if she's actually color blind and thought the dress was a light shade of some color or other than I'm the AH and she doesn't deserve me complaining about it, you know?

Then again, if she's lying that's freaking crazy. I basically just told my sister that and gave me the most 'wtf?' face she could manage. She decided not to worry about it and just have a happy wedding! I'm happy for her and honestly just happy she's such a great person and so much better than me lol.

Here were the top rated comments from readers in response to the OP's post after the outcome:


Ask her why she’s wearing a wedding dress!!! Not just white! She can’t claim color blindness to a dress type.


I'm pretty sure colorblind people can see white and even on the rarest possible occasions where they can't see color at all, her date likely could.


You were at the wedding right now but had time to write a long detailed post? Dang girl.


Dude no way. She could literally ask family or partner to verify if she is wearing the color she thought she was and not white. Don't listen to this poor excuse.


NTA. Looks like you checked with your sister first. The chick in white knew wtf she was doing, and her BS excuse about being colorblind is a cop out to make it look innocent. Also, the cousin that brought her should have had common sense and told her no.

So, what do you think about this one? If you could give the OP any advice here, what would you tell them?

Sources: Reddit
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