I went to a party at an acquaintance's house this past weekend with my wife. This is a friend of a friend that I've met a few times. I was invited, but I would not say I know this person that well.
They had a German Shepherd (that I didn't know about) that as soon as I opened the door came out of nowhere and full on jumped on me, paws on my chest. I nudged the dog away and told it to f off. I almost got immediately yelled at by the host to not be an AH to their dog. I was just like your dog jumped on me. I don't want it jumping on me.
I asked if they could put the dog in another room so it doesn't happen again. The host told me absolutely not. This is the dog's house too. I told my wife we are leaving, I told everyone have a good party and noped out of there.
My phone's been blowing up from multiple people and the host reached out saying how i treated his dog was really inappropriate. I'm still hearing about this 4 days later which is crazy to me. AITA?
micknick0000 wrote:
At the end of the day, the dog shouldn't have jumped on you. But a dog hopping up to basically greet someone as they walk into the house...is it reaaaaaaaaaally the worst thing in the world? Having said that, it isn't the dog's fault. Obviously it's owners allow this kind of behavior.
While you may not necessarily be the AH in regards to this situation, the way you said you reacted, talked to the host, then your wife, plus the vibe that your post gives off - I'm pretty confident in saying that you're an AH.
Beeyehwoo wrote:
I would be APPALLED and apologetic if my dog did that. We train her to NOT jump on strangers. Not everyone likes having dog paws on their person and for good reason.
The host of the party is in dreamland. Not everyone is in love with your dog the way she is. She is a sh-ty host with bad manners and expects you to tolerate this behavior. And then she doubles down and instead of apologizing, she tried to berate you. She can go to hell. NTA.
ThePhilV wrote:
Probably an unpopular opinion, but absolutely NTA. I have extreme discomfort around dogs, for a variety of reasons. People who expect others to just deal with their dog's lack of training, especially when it's a larger breed, are a huge red flag to me. Dogs tend to want to get up in people's space, and I can't handle that.
And then when they do, they are constantly moving and squirming and bumping me and it's just too much. They overstimulate me and are unpredictable and I have to leave. Your reaction was off the cuff and pretty much involuntary, so I don't think you can be faulted for being surprised at being randomly jumped on the moment someone opens the door.
Kem81 wrote:
The owner is right that its the dog's house too and they shouldn't have to shove the dog into a room because 1 person has a problem with the dog.
You have every right to exclaim in surprise, even with swear words, that you have been jumped on by a dog you don't know if they are going to be friendly with your or not. The fact that you then told your wife "we're leaving" and dragged her out of the party after being told they would not lock up the dog was sh-ty.
You didn't get your way so you're leaving and taking your ball with you was childish and sh-ty. How could you have said it better depending on circumstances: "Hey man, I didn't know you had a dog and they give me a lot of anxiety. If you plan on leaving him out I'm gunna have to go. I'm sorry."
Or "I'm sorry. I'm just really allergic to dogs and no one mentioned you had one" Or any number of other responses that didn't make you sound like you were trying to dictate TO SOMEONE YOU DIDN'T EVEN KNOW how to handle their own dog in their own house.
No-Entertainment3435 wrote:
The owners should train the dog not to jump, and have better control of it when new people are coming into the home if they know it’s easily excitable.
However. You walked into the home of someone who you don’t know well, immediately started screaming curse words. I would be willing to bet you pushed the dog a lot harder than you’re suggesting here. You told this person, who, again, you don’t know well, what to do with their dog in their home.
Then bossed your wife around and made a huge scene about leaving. 90% of dogs are excited to greet new people and may be hyper for a moment, but will calm down and relax after literally like 60 seconds. This was a massive overreaction and completely rude. If you really had a huge issue with dogs, you could have used your big boy words and politely communicated with the owner.
accio_depresso wrote:
Dogs should not be jumping on guests. That's poor training and negligence on the part of the owner. They suck for this.
You're an adult. It sounds like you had an angry, volatile reaction to a dog jumping on you. You literally said "f off", words typically spoken in a manner that makes everyone around uncomfortable. Learn to be calm and use your big-boy words.
Epsilon_and_delta wrote:
I’m going with YTA. Should the dog have jumped on you? No. Should the owner have been apologetic for that? Yes. But you escalated the situation needlessly.
First you told the dog to f off which was wholly unnecessary, which obviously got the owner’s back up. Anyone who talks to someone’s pet or kid like that should expect the other person to immediately get defensive. You then escalated again by demanding the dog be locked in a room. Like how about you see if the dog keeps pestering you first?
Maybe it just jumped on you to greet you and after that would’ve ignored you. But nope, you immediately place demands on the owner instead of calmly and simply saying “sorry for my language. The dog startled me and I really don’t like dogs jumping up on me. Can you please make sure he doesn’t do that to me again?” Then you escalated the third time by leaving.
Were you right that a well behaved dog shouldn’t jump up on people and owners should respect that many people aren’t dog people (and even those who are don’t like being jumped on)? Absolutely. That doesn’t mean you weren’t an asshole in how you handled it. You can be right but the reason your phone is blowing up is because you acted like a huge AH.