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'AITA for buying a Nintendo Switch for my Nephews for X-MAS?'

'AITA for buying a Nintendo Switch for my Nephews for X-MAS?'


"AITA for buying a Nintendo Switch for my Nephews for X-MAS?"

I bought my 2 nephews age 4 & 6 a Nintendo Switch on December 23rd, 2 days before Christmas(last minute I know) as they love playing Mario games. Wanted to double check with my brother that no one else is planning on getting them the Switch and told him I would most likely get it for them.

He gave me the approval as long as it's not "too expensive". Then my brother messaged me 5 hours later asking me to hold off on getting the Switch due to them being too young right now.

He did keep saying how it is a very thoughtful gift and amazing gift but doesn't think they are ready for it yet and will destroy it. Then he proceeds to say that they(the parents) would prefer I get them tablets and asked me to return the Switch. It isn't about screen time as they are playing video games and using an iPad.

I might be the asshole for choosing to give my nephews (4 & 6) a Nintendo Switch against their parents request to exchange it for tablets instead. While my intentions are good, disregarding the parent's decision about what's appropriate for their children could be seen as overstepping boundaries and undermining their parental authority.

AITA for not returning the gift and giving my brother's kids the Nintendo Switch even after their request?

TL;DR: Bought Young nephews (4,6) Nintendo switch for Christmas, Brother's questioning my purchase and suggested to buy another electronic instead.

EDIT: I bought the Switch for the kids BEFORE my brother said no. he also said it would be an epic gift. Then he proceeded to say it would be better to return and purchase the tablets 5 hours after I had purchased it and the store won't let returns happen before Christmas. My brother won't be mad or upset with the Switch, just would prefer the tablets.

Let's see what readers thought:

aga89 writes:

No gifts should be requests or guarantees but I'm kinda lost here and need some info: If you're going to ignore his response why ask him in the first place?

I'm not sure if I misunderstanding but it sounds like you waited until 2 days before Christmas to buy their presents, which I get, no judgement there, I do it too but you likely know that last minute purchases can cause issues...

you text your brother to ask him if it was okay while you were at the store and now you're annoyed it took him 5 hours to respond since you already made the purchase and he didn't give the response you wanted so you will either be an ahole for going against what he said or you will be inconvenienced by having to do returns on Christmas Eve?

Sooo you were just hoping he said yes and now because his answer is inconvenient to you you are planning on ignoring him after you specifically asked him?

I just don't understand why you would ask if you're dead set on ignoring his response. While they should not be making demands this whole thing seems like an issue caused by you.

I don't quite understand why he feels like tablets are better for them than Nintendo switch, tablets seem easier to break and that might be a little greedy on his part but I don't know the prices of these things and more importantly seriously don't ask if you don't want them to respond honestly and are just going to ignore what they say.

Bottom line if you want to stick to your guns go for it but I wouldn't just give it to them without talking to him first.

Explain to him that you asked too late and that you're not able to return them, tell him you now understand they're too young but you didnt know before asking and if they break it that's okay, the switch cost was on you and they'll hopefully learn a valuable lesson to be more careful in the future.

Lastly if you don't want to ask him about the gifts first that's valid, simply don't ask next time. IF you do want to check with him first next time, then when you apologize to him for this year also let him know that you will check with him BEFORE purchase next time.

Again my issue here is you asking him and choosing to ignore his response, that feels pretty douchy. And selfish because it's too inconvenient for you because of how busy today is but you put yourself in this situation so I don't have too much sympathy, I guess I'm going to go with YTA. Next time ask and listen or don't ask at all.

play89 writes:

YTA, I really don’t think it’s a huge deal. However, you asked “Hey bro do you mind if I buy them Switches.” He responded with “Nah, I’d rather not, please get them something else, here is a suggestion.” You then ignored what he said and went with your gut anyway. Ultimately, you do do, but think of it this way:

If you were Christmas shopping with your girlfriend and said “Hey babe, what do you think of this sweater.” then she said “That one is ugly, I would never wear it. I do like this one here.” Then you bought her the ugly sweater anyway…. What happens next?

awraty writes:

What is throwing me is you've being asked to buy tablets (plural) instead of a single Switch. Now, there are two ways to take that.

Option 1, they expect you to buy a less expensive or older models, which aren't going to break the bank and combined don't exceed the original planned purchase cost of the Switch. Option 2, they expect you to buy two tablets,, where one on its own could easily exceed the cost of the Switch, and are trying to take advantage.

Presuming that they aren't expecting you to exceed your original budget when buying tablets, if one did break it would be cheaper for them to replace than the Switch.

I think you are probably overlooking the other benefits to them of a tablet, like the apps for improving vocab and maths, and by each having a tablet it would prevent any arguments about whose turn it is.

pla21 writes:

NTA and all the others who say so don’t read well. Your brother said yes to the switch, then hours later changed his mind (likely after speaking to his partner).

Why should you have to go to the trouble to exchanging something when he agreed first? If they don’t want them to have the switch, give it to the parents, let them exchange it for what they want and then give it to the kids?

Sources: Reddit
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