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Woman criticized for evicting pregnant sister for partying, family takes sister’s side. AITA?

Woman criticized for evicting pregnant sister for partying, family takes sister’s side. AITA?

"AITA for Kicking My Pregnant Sister Out of My House?"


I (30F) have always had a rocky relationship with my younger sister, Emily (24F). Despite our differences, when she announced she was pregnant and needed a place to stay, I couldn't turn her away.

Emily had recently split from her boyfriend and was struggling to make ends meet. I live in a spacious apartment with my husband, Mark (32M), and we agreed to let her stay with us until she got back on her feet.

From the moment she arrived, Emily was a nightmare to live with. She complained incessantly—criticizing the food I cooked, whining that the apartment was either too cold or too hot, and constantly moaning about the speed of our WiFi.

She refused to lift a finger around the house, claiming her pregnancy as an excuse. Dirty dishes piled up, food was left out to attract pests, and she never cleaned up after herself.

But that wasn't the worst of it. Emily started "borrowing" money from me without asking, racking up charges on my credit card for online shopping sprees. She invaded our privacy by barging into our bedroom without knocking, often at the most inconvenient times.

She monopolized the TV, blasting her favorite shows at all hours of the night, and used my personal belongings without permission, including my makeup and clothes.

The final straw came when I caught her smoking in the bathroom. I was furious. She’s pregnant for god's sake, and we had explicitly told her no smoking in the house. When I confronted her, she exploded, accusing me of trying to control her life and stormed off.

A few days later, while Mark and I were out, Emily invited a bunch of her friends over and threw a wild party. Our apartment was trashed—empty bottles and food containers everywhere, one of our wedding china plates broken, and alcohol stains all over the furniture.

I was livid. I told her she had to leave. She burst into tears, claiming she had nowhere else to go and calling me heartless for kicking out a pregnant woman. Our parents, who live in a different state and whom Emily claimed she couldn’t move in with because it was too far, got involved.

They sided with Emily, saying I should be more understanding and that family should stick together. They completely ignored the fact that I had bent over backward to accommodate her until her behavior became unbearable.

I tried telling my parents about the smoking and the alcohol at the party, emphasizing how dangerous it was for her unborn child. They flat-out refused to believe me, accusing me of lying and saying I would stoop so low to paint my sister in a bad light.

They said I was not only a ruthless bitch but also a liar, claiming Emily would never do anything to harm her unborn child. But I had caught her doing these things so many times, and their refusal to see the truth left me feeling helpless and betrayed.

Emily eventually moved in with our parents, but not without causing more drama. They painted me as the villain, calling me selfish and heartless. They guilt-tripped me constantly, saying I was putting my own comfort above my sister and her unborn child. Even our mutual friends were calling me ruthless and evil, questioning how I could be so cold-hearted.

Our relatives joined in, calling me a bitch and asking how I could possibly kick out my own pregnant sister. The whispers and side glances at family gatherings were unbearable. It felt like the entire family had turned against me, and I was the monster in their eyes.

Mark supports my decision, but the whole situation has put a huge strain on our relationship. We’re constantly fighting about the stress Emily has caused, and I feel like I'm drowning in guilt and frustration.

I’ve been treated like absolute crap for standing up for myself and my home. As the weeks passed, the accusations and guilt-tripping from my family intensified, making me question if I did the right thing.

Here were the top rated comments from readers in response to the OP's post:


NTA You did the right thing. It is your house and she was disrespecting your house and you. Funny how your family and relatives are blaming you but shouldn't they offer to take her in and see how she destroys their house like she did yours. Distance yourself from them and let your parent's deal with your sister they will in some point see that your are right especially if she is not taking care of pregnancy.


I don’t get why you feel so loyal to them when they clearly don’t feel the same . They called you every name in the book plus calling you a liar! Your husband is the only person that is loyal to you.

He’s the one you need to stand with and tell everyone else to fo! Block them all! The only reason your fighting with husband is he sees what they are, how they’re hurting you!


THIS, OP keeps saying, "I can't go NC they're my family," Please, with family like this, who needs enemies. Her "family" is calling her vile names, bullying and abusing her, ruining her marriage and reputation, and she's just accepting it...

When her husband finally has enough of her shitty family and leaves, will that finally be the wake-up call she needs to realize that sometimes you need to cut off family. I would block all of their asses and let them deal with the consequences of their own stupidity... if she went NC her stress would lessen so much, and her marriage would improve drastically.


It's YOUR house. Boot her out. Her living situation is her problem. Anyone who has a go at you, just tell them you will pass on that they are willing to house her. She's a leech. Don't feel bad about it for a moment. NTA.


NTA. You did the right thing. Where you messed up was not getting photographic evidence and documenting more than you did before you evicted her. Odds are good that it won’t be long before your parents are the ones traumatized by her antics.

So, what do you think about this one? If you could give the OP any advice here, what would you tell them?

Sources: Reddit
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