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'AITA for making my husband do things for our child?' UPDATED

'AITA for making my husband do things for our child?' UPDATED

"AITA for making my husband do things for our child?"


I (30sf) was assigned to cook for my husband's family during a week long trip (11 adults 4 kids) I sat down to eat after cooking for a few hours and our child asked for a condiment and a drink.

I asked my husband (40s) if he'd mind getting it and he had no issue and got up. My mil and his aunt had a fit about this and said why am I treating him like a servant. I could get up and take care of it so my husband could relax. (He had been all day)

They've been cold and mean and not speaking to me. Im wondering if I should have done it myself or if I should just ask my husband if we can go home. (I've got 4 days left)

Edit: so his aunt arranged the Airbnb. She assigned the rooms and the chores. She has made other comments to me on this trip that have made me feel bad about myself.

Husband just came in after being outside talking with his family for the last hour and he won't go into details but said that we will be staying but if they say one more comment or if I feel any more discomfort we will be leaving. (We want to stay as we have some fun events that we don't want our child missing out on tomorrow and Monday)

Final update : So this morning while getting ready the cousins gf came and spoke to me said that what they said was completely wrong and disrespectful and that she doesn't believe what they said about me. (made me very happy)

Anyway, as we were heading out to go hiking his aunt couldn't help herself i guess and said at least I don't look like i belong on a pole like I did yesterday. My 5 yr old yelled at her and said to stop being mean to my mommy before we could say anything. My husband had a few choice words for her in front of everyone. So anyway we are driving home.

Here were the top rated comments from readers in response to the OP's post:


There's nothing like being screamed at by a little kid for behaving badly that makes it abundantly clear that someone is absolutely the asshole. Good for that kid!! Probably had no idea what the aunt was implying, but absolutely could tell that the intonation and intent were nasty and that was ENOUGH.


One of my mom's favorite stories is from when I was 4 and we were at a family-friendly Applebees-ish style restaurant. The table a couple over from us had a couple similar aged kids who were running around, bumping into waiters, jumping from bar stool to bar stool, etc, the 4 yo's everyone hates at that restaurant.

Apparently my snarky 4 yo ass very loudly asked my mom why those other kids were so badly behaved instead of having a family dinner. Which got those parents to get those kids quiet and sitting down REAL fast. I don't personally remember this, but I've heard the story so many times it feels like I do.


"My mil and his aunt had a fit about this and said why am I treating him like a servant. I could get up and take care of it so my husband could relax."

What in the 1950's BS- He's not the one who's been on his feet all day!


Holy internalized misogyny Batman.

Just imagine the cognitive dissonance backflips required to assign tasks to one human, then accuse same human of treating another like a servant for --checks notes-- getting some ketchup for their own kid.


I’m quite sure the tone alone was enough to perk up that kid’s ears. Anyone who says things in the same manner as OOP’s aunt-in-law does, always seems to emphasize the snark.

It was probably dripping with enough holier-than-thou inflection that a bear could have figured it out. I imagine the aunt saying this and looking incredibly smug while making a point to say it AT OP, but also turning her head to wherever the most people within earshot were hanging out.

She also likely said it just loud enough to not be yelling but to ensure that everyone in that BNB could hear her. AND with a self-righteous-I’m-so-pleased-with-hi Jo je myself-for -being- Ya know, to make sure everyone could witness her amazing wit and be envious of her for saying the things they’ve all thought but couldn’t bring themselves to say. sarcasm


Reading this one made me happy. Way to go kiddo and hubby!


I think it’s pathetic that it took a 5 year old defending his mother to set things straight.


It’s posts like this that make me glad I’m not actually a very nice person. It’s got its downsides, sure, but this reminds me there are some benefits as well.


Imagine being so rude to someone that even her 5 year old kiddo scolds you.

So, what do you think about this one? If you could give the OP any advice here, what would you tell them?

Sources: Reddit
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