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'AITA for not getting my partner food after they didn’t cook like they promised?' UPDATED

'AITA for not getting my partner food after they didn’t cook like they promised?' UPDATED


"AITA for not getting my partner food after they didn’t cook?"

Hi, I'm a 27M in my first year of residency. My work life, as expected, is exhausting; it feels like I spend all my time in the hospital (72 hours per week), as I have yet to have a weekend off, which I could really use to just sit on my balcony, staring at the Pacific for hours on end.

This past Saturday, I worked my very first 24-hour shift, and it nearly k-led me. My back was aching, my feet were tired, and my brain felt like it needed a factory reset. On Sunday, I worked from 5:00 to 18:00, which wasn’t too bad.

Whenever I have any downtime, I always make sure to check in on my partner, as they work from home, to see how their day is going and to talk about whatever. While we were on the phone, I asked them if they would make my favorite dish, which is simply Katsu with brown rice and a lot of Katsu sauce.

They agreed, and I was ecstatic as I haven’t had a homemade meal in a while since I don’t have the energy to cook when I get home and usually just grab something when I get off work, if something I like is still open. I live a little over an hour and a half outside of the city, but there was a terrible car accident on the highway, so my drive home took well over two hours.

I pulled up hungry, ready to eat, but when I walked into the kitchen from the garage, there was no cooked food at all. I was pissed and called out my partner’s name and asked them to come here, but they didn’t answer. I went upstairs and found them in their office, playing games on their PC.

I asked them to stop so we could talk, and I asked why they didn’t cook as they said they would. They admitted they got distracted after getting off work and forgot about it. I said that’s fine, but I would have really appreciated it if they had at least called me to let me know so that I could have stopped to get something while I was already out.

I also told them that I felt they were being inconsiderate, as they know how much I have to work and how tired I am when I get home. I can admit that my tone when we were speaking was stern, but I felt it was called for.

They called me an AH for yelling at them for forgetting this “little thing.”

After we were done, I was hungry, so I grabbed my keys and went to get something to eat for myself. I saw that, while I was waiting, they texted me their order, but I ignored them. When I got back home and they saw I didn’t get them anything, they called me a petty asshole and went back upstairs. I didn’t say anything out loud as I wasn’t in the mood and just wanted to eat, shower, and go to bed. So, AITA?

The internet had a lot to say in response.

Popular-Block-5790 wrote:

Info: is this something that happens regularly (your partner forgetting things they wanted to do for you) or is this something that doesn't happen often?

OP responded:

No, this isn’t something that happens regularly. They’re usually pretty attentive to me, as I am to them. I think the stress I’ve been under from work lately has possibly caused me to become more annoyed than I usually would at things like this, which is why I reacted the way I did.

DangerousTurmeric wrote:

YTA. You've made a lot of personal choices that mean you're exhausted and stressed out, and that's hard, but ultimately it's on you. I get that you were really looking forward to a home cooked meal but it sounds like your partner also works and was just tired, decompressing from work and forgot. Like I assume you come home at a different time each day?

And then you were an hour later because of an accident. Your partner is probably also just used to you not being there. Did you send a reminder about dinner or an update on the time? Offer to pick up groceries etc?People also forget things all the time, that's totally normal. The way you treated them, being "stern", or "yelling" isn't ok and is a pretty extreme response.

What did you expect to gain from that? Forgetting isn't deliberate or malicious. It sounds like you might be taking your stress out on them. If you were less exhausted and had been cooking for yourself, would you have reacted this way? It's reasonable to be disappointed but I think the emotions here are heightened because of how your choices are affecting you.

I'd also imagine your choices, like how long you spend at work and how you're tired all the time, are putting strain on the relationship in general. It doesn't sound like you are considering how this might be affecting things overall.

If you actually like this person and want to be with them, you need to have a conversation about all of this and figure out how much support you can expect, and also what is expected of you (because it doesn't sound like you have anything to give at all now and won't for a long time).

I've had events where I've worked 70-80hr weeks and there's just no way I could sustain a relationship if that was my life long term. It's asking a lot of someone.

OP responded:

This won’t be my life long-term, just for the next three years, unfortunately. I do want to stay with them I love them and I plan to talk to them today about potentially starting couples therapy to get some guidance on how we can support each other and work on conflict resolution so I don’t feel the need to retaliate.

I also want to starting seeing a therapist individually as I can acknowledge that I have become quick to anger and raising my voice in situations in which it’s uncalled for.

mailforkev wrote:

As an aside, if you’re working 70+ hours a week then living 1.5 hours away from your place of work is not sustainable. NTA.

OP responded:

Yes, I know it isn’t, but I already own my home because it was left to me by my parents. I live in a state with a high cost of living, and I have debt that I need to pay down. Living outside of the city is a little cheaper for me, and I honestly prefer it. I’ll probably sell and move depending on where my career takes me after residency.

Later that day, OP shared an update.

Thank you all for commenting and helping me find a new perspective on this; I really do appreciate it. Before I dive into an update, I would like to first address my partner’s pronouns, as I saw this being mentioned a couple of times and people took it upon themselves to assume gender.

My partner is non-binary and uses they/them pronouns, which is why I used they/them throughout my post not because I was afraid of sounding like a misogynist. Please don’t be disrespectful and assume gender when I purposefully used gender-neutral language. I also do not get a meal stipend which I also saw mentioned. We have access to a lounge which has sandwiches (cold), little snacks, and drinks.

I don’t like it as I have certain dietary restrictions and I’m a picky eater. I saw another comment implying that this was fake and that I was lying because of my commute time. I know it sounds insane because it is insane, but I am over $300k in debt from undergrad and med school combined.

I was left my home by my parents, and because it’s paid off, I don’t have a mortgage to pay. Apartments are expensive for a two-bedroom which I would need to accommodate an office space for my partner. I don’t drive back home every night, which is something I should have mentioned, because I do get exhausted and know it’s much too dangerous for me to drive in that condition.

This is another reason why I haven’t had a home-cooked meal in a while because I’m barely home. I get a room at a motel, sleep there, and go back to work when it’s time. I understand now that this is unsustainable and is causing me extra stress that isn’t helpful for me, my relationship, or my life overall. I won’t be selling my house, but I will be renting it out.

I talked to my partner about it this morning, along with some other things such as couples therapy and my own individual therapy for my anger and short fuse beginning to develop. We both apologized to each other as well my partner for forgetting, and me for my sophomoric reaction to their forgetfulness. I told them about leaving our house, and they were thankfully receptive to this as well.

They’re not working today, so I asked them to look for places online that are no more than 45 minutes from the hospital. I love my partner, as we’ve been together since my M2 days.

They got me through the difficulties of med school, prepping for my boards through endless support and encouragement that I would pass, and through my parents death. I will not let this job take away the person I intend to marry.

The comments kept coming in.

Cursd818 wrote:

The real AH here is the medical system that perpetuates these kinds of totally unfeasible work schedules. If I am seriously injured or unwell, the last thing I want is an exhausted doctor or nurse working on my case because they are so much more likely to make mistakes. It's not acceptable in any other profession, so why is it acceptable in the one profession that swears an oath to do no harm???

matchamagpie wrote:

Yeah, OP shouldn't have blown up but their partner literally did nothing to change or make amends except 'apologizing'. I doubt this is the end of their issues.

nerdmania wrote:

"I asked them to look for places online that are no more than 45 minutes from the hospital."

Dude needs to live 5 min from the hospital, not 45.

Imaginary-Cycle-1977 wrote:

There is no good reason doctors should be working 70+ hour weeks or 24 shifts.

Dumb system they choose to perpetuate cause it’s been done that way forever.

Sources: Reddit
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