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'AITA for not tipping 20% on a $500 hair appointment?' 'I was panicking.'

'AITA for not tipping 20% on a $500 hair appointment?' 'I was panicking.'

"AITA for not tipping 20% on a $500 hair appointment?"

I know what you're thinking...of course I'm an ahole. Because who doesn't tip 20%? Hear me out. I have been going to the same hairdresser for 10+ years, since she was still an apprentice studying for her license. Back then, I paid $50 for a full highlight. It was amazing.

But obviously, as she got better at her job, her prices increased, which is fine and expected. But as I got older and gained more responsibilities (I started seeing her when I was 21), I couldn't afford to spend a lot on my hair.

So, I switched to getting it done only 2-3 times a year instead of going somewhere cheaper because I love her so much as a person and she has always done a great job. The last time I went was in July, and I paid $300 for a full highlight and cut before a 20% tip ($60).

She mentioned that her prices would probably be going up, but I guess I didn't think much of it. By the way, I ALWAYS tip 20%, no matter where I am. I promise. I went to get my hair done yesterday, and when I checked in, the receptionist told me that my stylist had been promoted by the salon and her prices had increased again...

Which is fine, because I was expecting it to be like a $50 increase like it had in the past, which is my bad I guess because I could have asked. But I didn't. She did my hair. It looked good at the end as usual. She also had an assistant this time, which she hasn't had before. Her assistant washed/blow dried my hair, which was totally fine and good.

I said goodbye to her and went to pay. That's when the receptionist told me my total was $500 for my usual highlight and cut. I was completely shocked. I discreetly did the math on my phone and saw a 20% tip on that would be $100 on top of that massive amount. I was panicking and trying to keep my cool at the same time.

I honestly don't know what was going through my mind. I was just shocked. I wrote $60 for the tip and then left. Ever since then, I have been thinking about it. I feel terrible. But at the same time, I couldn't afford that. Should I start seeing a new hairdresser if I can't afford to tip her 20% anymore?

Oh and by the way, I did some research and found out her salon raises prices after promotions by percentage, not a flat dollar amount, so that's why it increased so much.

Here's what top commenters had to say about this one:

Clean_Factor9673 said:

NTA. But a $200 increase to a $300 cost is outrageous without her sending out links to new pricing. It's time to find someone else.

JohnRedcornMassage said:

NTA. But why on earth are you still going to her? That’s an outrageous amount of money for a cut and highlights. I can’t imagine it taking more than 2 hours? That’s 250+ an hour. Doctors and hookers don’t even make that much!

allthecrazything said:

NTA. Price increasing THAT much without a warning - she’s probably lucky you tipped at all. Because most people wouldn’t have been able to cover that change. I’m sure you feel loyal and really like her, but it’s probably time for a change.

I’m stupid loyal to my hairdresser but I wouldn’t be able to afford that and it would probably sour me on her if her prices increased that much without more of a warning

Babyaqua_Ruby said:

Honestly, if a haircut costs $500, it should come with a complimentary therapy session for the financial trauma. You’re NTA, you’re a person caught off guard by The Great Hair Price Leap of 2025. You still tipped $60, which is more than generous considering the sticker shock.

teaonthetardis said:

You’re NTA and you definitely shouldn’t go back! I think you tipping at all on top of that price was generous—if confronted, I would’ve acted shocked and said I assumed tip was built in at that number.

Quite frankly, it’s kind of you to want to support her, but if she cared about your patronage she wouldn’t charge you this much. Even if she’s increasing prices (and nothing really excuses that rate change), she doesn’t necessarily have to gouge her old regulars at the same price as new customers if she wants people to stay loyal.

It’s possible she’s trying to switch client profiles entirely, which might be why she’s willing to risk losing people with the changes.

wolofancy said:

NTA. Is it not weird they didn't tell you the amount the price went up before the appointment, just that it went up? Because it almost doubled. That is a BIG difference. I have been getting highlights for 10 years and I pay 250. I can't believe anyone would pay that for hair.

Sources: Reddit
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