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'AITA for refusing to switch rooms with my older pregnant sister? She is messy.' UPDATED

'AITA for refusing to switch rooms with my older pregnant sister? She is messy.' UPDATED

"AITA for refusing to switch rooms with my pregnant sister?"

I 16F live with my older sister 21F and both my parents. My sister is currently pregnant with twins and is due in April. Before my sister got pregnant we switched rooms which was a HUGE mistake on my part because I had to spend 4 hours cleaning HER room after we switched. Even though she told me to clean mine because she was “going to clean hers."

Now I should’ve known better because I know her but you have to understand I am not being dramatic with 2 people it took my friend and I a little bit over 4 hours to get it livable for my standards. I had to shampoo the carpet 3 times for it to smell decent. Sorry I just need to get it across for this story to make sense.

Now the room I’m in now had a bathroom that was previously broken because you’ll never guess, my sister broke it! About 3 months ago we got it fixed. And 3 months ago now suddenly she’s not going to be able to raise her babies upstairs because there’s not enough room. Now my room is a little bigger than hers, but not by much.

I have a smaller bed than she does so she would take up more space in this room than I would so that could also be why she feels her space is not big enough. Now here’s my issue her carpet upstairs is stained BAD the carpet is mostly f--king hard and it reeks of mold not to mention IM going to have to clean it. I’m sorry but why should I be punished? I’m not pregnant? I didn’t do anything to deserve this?

I know my parents won’t clean it, or ask her to. Why should I have to clean up her mess AGAIN for a room I don’t even want. There is stains all over the walls, and trash stashed in every corner because it’s “clean.”

Now I understand that after she gives birth it most definitely will affect her ability to walk upstairs where her room is, which is her new reason for us needing to switch rooms but not even two months ago she was sleeping in the living room because she couldn’t walk upstairs which was weird because she switched back to her room upstairs?

I’m not going to say anything because you know I’m 16 I’ve never been f--king pregnant before but that was just a little odd to me.

But I really like my room I’ve put in a lot of money time and effort into it and I don’t really want to have to do it again, my mom tells me that she won’t make us switch but I’m worried my sister will guilt trip her into doing what she wants like always, but where I might’ve been TA is when she asked me for the second time she said I had already agreed to switch rooms which was not true.

So, I got angry and told her I never agreed to that to stop making stuff up and she’d have to k-ll me to get this room from me. Which caused her to get angry and we started arguing so am I TA for refusing to switch rooms?

The internet had a lot to say in response.

quietcelery7850 wrote:

Is she going to find a reason to switch rooms with you whenever she’s trashed hers and you’ve fixed up yours? Stay in your room. Enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Start thinking about what happens when the twins arrive. Will she demand babysitting, in the name of “family”? Plan boundaries now.

“No, I will not give up my afterschool activities/sports/clubs/friends.”

“No, I can’t babysit overnight—I have school tomorrow.”

“No, I’m not giving up my weekend so you can party.”

planta222 wrote:

Is the baby even gonna be safe living with her??? 😳😬 I think there’s a bigger issue here not being addressed. If the walls and carpet are really that bad and the room is filled with trash that’s really not healthy.

EmceeSuzy wrote:

I'm going with NTA but you need to stop with the drama. If she asks to switch rooms, just say No calmly. Even if she asks over and over again. Also, make yourself a lot less available to her. Plenty of new mothers have bedrooms upstairs. I did. My nursery was upstairs. And I certainly wasn't 21 when I started my family. She is young and spry and being ridiculous.

Prestigious-Bluejay5 wrote:

"My mom tells me that she won’t make us switch."

Have a conversation with your mom. Tell her that you appreciate the fact that she's not forcing the switch and if your sister tells your mom that you're onboard, that is not true.

Remind your mom how much time, effort and work you had to put into cleaning the room, only for your sister to trash the upstairs room. Tell her that you are not willing to go through that again. Sounds like every time your sister wants a clean room, she'll ask you to switch. Yeah, no. NTA. And install a lock on your door.

PissingBinary wrote:

NTA. You’ve already tried to help once, and did all the dirty work. She is wanting to act like she owns the house, but she doesn’t… so the decision isn’t hers. It ultimately comes down the home owner. If they tell you move, give your case, if it fails, you’re moving anyways so no reason to argue about it. If that happens and your sister does you wrong again with the dirty room thing, just distance yourself from her.

Not long after posting, OP shared a small update.

I would like to mention that I already talked to my mom and she told me no matter what it’s my choice if we switch or not she will not force me to switch I love my mom 🫶🫶

The internet had a lot to say in response.

laffy4444 wrote:

You guys switched rooms because she wanted to do that. It's entirely reasonable to refuse to switch back; it means she shouldn't have asked to switch in the first place.

FW_layerAUS-anyms wrote:

Your mother doesn’t want your pregnant sister there and for her to get her own place. Stick to your mother's plan. Keep your room lol. I know where your mother is coming from.

GoodQueenFluffenChop wrote:

Don't count your chickens before they hatch. You never know and your mom can potentially change her mind when once the baby is actually here. Enjoy it for now but don't be surprised later on. Babies can and do often change everything.

Organic_Start_420 wrote:

OP please remind your mom she needs to kick your sister's backside to clean her room before she makes the babies sick in if not worse.

Sources: Reddit
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