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'AITA for reporting my car stolen after my friend took it?' 'I told the police everything.'

'AITA for reporting my car stolen after my friend took it?' 'I told the police everything.'


"AITA for reporting my car stolen after my 'friend' stole it?"

Couple of my friends came over to my house to hang out because my parents went out of town for the week. I’m the only one in the group with a license and a car and live in the suburbs while everyone else lived in the inner city. One of my friends brought some pretty strong brownies and I was literally out for four days straight.

While under the influence, one of them was asking me to drive him to McDonald’s or whatever and I told him to f off because I was out of it. I saw him going through my pockets and taking my keys, I was too messed up to do anything about it and slowly said “Do…n…t ta….ke my ca…r."

He just ignored me and I heard my car drive off. I went back into my head and forgot about it for few hours. I woke up from a weird dream and realized my car was gone. The person that stole my car has no license and asked me before if he could practice on my car.

I always refused because I only had a novice license and literally couldn’t by law, have him behind the wheel of my car. I first called him and told him that he was a d and bring my car back, he said “relax, I’m just practicing I’ll be back soon”. I don’t know about you, but I hate people who have zero respect for other people’s property.

So instead of just letting it go, I called the cops and reported my car stolen and gave them my “friend’s” information. A police officer came over to my house and I told him the whole story, the officer and I waited for him to come back. Rest of my buddies were still messed up, so I sent them to my bedroom. About two hours later the dipshit thief comes back with my car.

When he came back, the officer gave him an earful and arrests him for motor vehicle theft. He now has a criminal record and will probably get prison time. AITA? Rest of my friends agree that he was in the wrong but are mixed about reporting him to the police because it probably ruined his life. They all cut him off as well.

Here's what top commenters had to say about this one:

LindaJackson959 said:

NTA. That “friend” totally crossed a line by taking your keys and driving off without your permission. You were in a vulnerable state, and he took advantage of that.

adamixa1 said:

In what condition he is allowed to take somebody's car? Without license? With no proper trainer? With also no consent? What if he hit somebody, or the car crashed, or police caught him? NTA. No need to worry about his future. He should think about it before grabbing the key.

tosser9212 said:

NTA - reporting the crime didn't ruin your friend's life, committing it did.

Waste_Worker6122 said:

NTA. The guy TOOK YOUR KEYS AND DROVE OFF IN YOUR CAR. You even gave him a chance to return it and he didn't. Calling the police was exactly what you should have done.

Not to turn this into but what he did is really "unauthorized use of a motor vehicle" as opposed to "car theft." That is still a crime but generally a less serious one than car theft. Unless he has prior convictions it is unlikely he'll ever do time.

omgwowsuchyay said:

NTA. What friend takes someone’s car against their wishes? If a friend makes a crime against you the consequences are for them, not you. You are not the AH.

Responsible_Unit693 said:

NTA. Your friend decided your car was his personal uber while you were high, total violation of bro code. You told him not to take it, and he acted like your keys were an all you can drive buffet. Reporting him was smart, you can’t just let people treat your car like a free rental. Now he’s got a criminal record to go with his bad decision-making skills.

EffectiveMinute4586 said:

NTA, and a great story to tell so people will know not to mess with your stuff.

Sources: Reddit
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