In September, my best friend and I took a trip. He's married, I am not. While we were planning the trip, I suggested an AirBnB to accommodate me having female company in my own room. He agreed, and never once indicated it was an issue. And not once, did I ever think he was interested in extra marital affairs.
His wife, IMO, is highly insecure. Implants. Tons of make up. I should mention, we are all over the age of 40. My best friend is loyal to a fault. He takes his vows and his marriage as his biggest responsibilities.
When he proposed to the woman, who had 3 kids of her own, he added on to the home HE BOUGHT years before and moved them all in. I dont see a reason to have trust issues with a man who is that decisive and intentional in his relationship with her.
They, of course, talked daily. He would give her updates as to what we had seen and done. Upon our return she questioned what he had told her during their daily phone calls. Even asked " Are you sure there were no girls over at your place?"
During our trip, I had company over, as planned, and my friend excused himself. When the party was over, I texted him "clear" to let him know my company had left. He was not even in the house when my company visited.
Fast forward 2 months. She gets an opportunity to go through my friends phone and finds the text message I sent during our trip and questions him. He tells her I'm an adult and he was not included in my activities.
She is upset at me for "putting him in that position". Clearly, if he was not, at all, tempted, I do not understand what position I put him in. AITA or is his wife tripping?
crai6 writes:
NAH. You would be best to just stay out of their marriage. This has nothing to do with you. He shouldn't be telling you how she feels about you from their martial convos.
aplou writes:
His wife is seriously tripping! NTA.
sagap8 writes:
His friend put himself in that situation, I’m assuming OP doesn’t look like a gremlin so ofc he’s gonna have company over why the hell wouldn’t he lol