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'AITA for refusing to help rekindle my GF’s friendship with our neighbour?' UPDATED

'AITA for refusing to help rekindle my GF’s friendship with our neighbour?' UPDATED

"AITA for refusing to help rekindle my GF’s friendship with our neighbour?"

My (25f)’s girlfriend (26f-Lotta) has always been on the more quiet and reserved side but also incredibly kind and conscientious of other people. She also doesn’t let others walk over her and knows how to set (and stick to) boundaries which is one of the reasons I was attracted to her. But a few weeks ago, I think she was too ruthless.

A few weeks ago, our upstairs neighbour (who Lotta and I are close with) showed up at our door sobbing and begging Lotta to babysit her 5 year old for an hour because her one month old was having trouble breathing and has stopped breathing at one point and needed to go to the hospital ASAP.

The neighbour explained her mother was on the way as they speak but she has no one else to take care of her other son. She also offered to pay Lotta. I was at work at the time. Lotta said no. She said she was busy and couldn’t do it. The neighbour ended up taking both kids to the hospital. I found out about this incident when I got home from work and Lotta told me.

I was genuinely surprised to hear she said no which seemed to annoy Lotta. It's been 3 weeks since that event and our neighbour has been quite cold to Lotta and this really bothers her. She says she was just setting boundaries and that our neighbour was entitled and snobby for being upset that Lotta said no.

I explained I felt differently and am more on our neighbour's side as 1) she has never asked us for any favours in the 3 years we've known her and 2) this was a medical emergency- not her wanting to go clubbing with her friends. I told Lotta that she didn't teach our neighbour a lesson,, she only added stress she didn't need.

This really upset Lotta because she thought I would be on her side. She then asked me to talk to our neighbour to try and rekindle their friendship. I said I can't do that for her, she needs to apologise herself and put in the work. Lotta stormed off and now keeps saying I'm being a huge AH for not siding with her and helping her with our neighbour who is 'her friend'. AITA?

EDIT: Lotta was 'busy' cooking dinner and catching up on a show of hers. She wasn't working or doing anything that would be dangerous for kids to be around.

Commenters were quick to share their thoughts.

linzerdsnort6 wrote:

NTA. "This was a medical emergency- not her wanting to go clubbing with her friends. I told Lotta that she didn't teach our neighbour a lesson,, she only added stress she didn't need." That's it right there. This is SO horrible to do to someone.

Because Lotta was "busy", that poor 5 year old was exposed to further trauma by having to go to the hospital and potentially witness their baby sibling being poked and prodded and probably have tubes shoved down their throat. I really hope Lotta doesn't want children of her own. Or maybe I do, because then she will realize what a total AH she was to this poor woman.

BeeJackson wrote:

NTA - Good for you for recognizing that it wasn’t your job to mend the fences that Lotta broke. She might be good and kind in most instances, but in this case she doesn’t know how to admit that she was wrong and apologize to the right person

Sounds like she’s mad at everyone but herself. I’m also on the neighbor’s side. This was a small test of friendship for Lotta and she failed it. She didn’t want to be inconvenienced, which is fine. But now your neighbor doesn’t want to be inconvenienced by befriending Lotta.

andromache97 wrote:

NTA. "She says she was just setting boundaries." And so is the neighbor by distancing herself as a result of these "boundaries." People really think they can treat people however they want and then get upset when they suffer the consequences as a result. If Lotta wants to rekindle her friendship with the neighbor, Lotta should talk to her herself.

NotCreativeAtAll16 wrote:

Wow. Your GF is cold. Sure, she didn't have to sit for your neighbor. But your neighbor has now seen that she is a cruel person who cares more about boundaries than helping out out friend in an emergency.

Her friendship is gone. She cared more about whatever she was doing at the time than helping out a mother who's child stopped breathing. She was even going to pay her! Honestly, I wouldn't lift a finger to help her repair her situation. She can be cruel to people, but then she has to live with the outcome.

Three weeks later, OP shared an update.

So first things first; a lot of people were asking why I was with Lotta and it's because her behaviour during this incident was totally out of character. I was genuinely surprised to hear Lotta's actions to the situation which is why I wrote in. We've known each other for 8 years and I guess I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt.

So many comments were asking if she had any redeeming qualities, which, yes she does and that's what made this whole thing so confusing to me. She is usually a very bubbly, kind person who remembers the small details and is just a nice person. I don't know why she had this shift. That being said, I did take into account some comments suggesting this was the 'real Lotta'.

Even if I took it with a grain of salt, it helped me to think through our interactions. We had a discussion about it and I laid out all my points and concerns. How this didn't seem like her, how callous she was and how I don't know how to move past it if she's acting how she is about the situation. She pushed back and once again said it was just 'boundaries' and she really 'didn't feel like' babysitting in that moment.

I said that I'm sure our neighbour didn't want her baby to stop breathing either. The conversation got kind of heated because Lotta genuinely wouldn't even own up to being 'kind of' callous and rude (even though I think 'kind of' is a huge understatement). She just kept saying that our neighbour's mum was on the way anyways so 'what's the problem?'

At this point I was at a loss. There was no convincing her that what she did was awful and she wasn't going to see it. I told her I needed time to think but I already knew my stance. I told her I wanted to break up. Her response was 'seriously? Over me setting boundaries? [Neighbour] is going to walk all over you now, I know you've been bringing her food. She's not a stray, she can cook her own meals.'

She left half an hour later and is scheduled to come pick up the rest of her stuff later. I genuinely wanted to believe this was just a huge f-up and misstep on Lotta's part and not her character shining through but it's clear that her standing her ground and not owning up to being callous and awful doesn't align with me. Thanks to everyone who commented.

The internet had OP's back.

TheYankcunian wrote:

I’m sorry about your relationship ending, but I’m glad you got to see her true self before you wasted anymore time with her. I said it in your last post, but setting boundaries isn’t, “I’m not doing that.” Setting boundaries is, “If you do X, I will do Y.”

Like: “If you keep putting hot sauce in all the food instead of your own… I’m going to not cook for you anymore,” and then following through. Nothing she did had to do with boundaries and everything to do with being an AH. Best of luck with the recovery and moving on. I’m sure you’ll find someone as kind as you are!

bubblez4eva wrote:

I'm glad you saw the true her before getting in too deep, like marriage. Everyone is nice and generous until it affects them. Truly mind people are still kind when no one's watching.

Silent_Ad_8672 wrote:

This would be a huge dealbreaker for me too. Outside of needing to be at the hospital myself I cannot fathom turning someone away like this and I'm not even good with kids.

Sources: Reddit,Reddit
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