I 18M was in the car with my mother today and she asked me if my sister had said anything to me about switching rooms. I said no one asked what she meant, and she said that apparently my sister wanted to switch rooms with me soon because my room has a smaller room beside it, and she wanted to use that room for her daughter and then my room for her.
My sister is 26 and still lives at home with me and her parents and she also has a two year-old daughter. What makes this even more frustrating is that whenever she was pregnant we did actually swap rooms because my room was downstairs so it was more convenient for her and I agreed to swap with her to help her out.
So she got what she wanted and now she’s asking me to swap with her again...because shes never satisfied with what she has. I am 100% not swapping with her because she’s 26 and she was meant to be saving for the past year to move out so there’s like zero point in us swapping rooms because she’s just gonna move out hopefully soon anyway.
And I’m also planning on getting my room painted as well. When my mother told me about this I hadn’t heard anything about it but right enough whenever we went home my sister actually said to me how would I feel about switching rooms.
So, I obviously said no that I wouldn’t not be switching rooms with her, and she actually seems surprised for some reason which I can’t understand because I’m not sure why she thought I would be on board with it.
She asked me why and I told her that I thought she was moving out soon and she acted all offended and was like “oh so you want rid of us” and basically acting as if I heavily insulted her or something.
She was also yapping about how she just wants her daughter to have a room beside her as if they would make me feel bad enough to agree with her. I was just straight up and told her it wasn’t happening and she had the audacity to call me selfish and was just super pissed off at me for some reason lol.
fiestafan73 wrote:
If you already swapped with her once and she’s not satisfied, that’s on her. If she wants more space, she is free to be an actual adult and move out instead of asking a teenager to play musical bedrooms. NTA.
OP responded:
Exactly lol she got what she wanted to start with.
expensive_excuse_597 wrote:
NTA. You have accommodated your sister once already and now she is back again asking for more accommodation because she has not saved money and has no intention of moving out. She can still use the room beside your room for her daughter and just walk up and down the stairs.
However, you should keep in mind that if she does move her child into the room next to you, that will be a big issue with the kid bothering you all the time. You may want to consider that in your decision. For all you people stating OP should move out because he is 18, in the US an 18 year old might well still be in high school at this point.
Jerseygirl2468 wrote:
INFO what do your parent(s) think? It's their house and they are paying the bills, it sounds like.
OP responded:
My mother actually said the same thing as me in the car. She said she told her she doesn’t know why she would want to switch rooms when she’s planning on moving.
Personal_Sprinkles_3 wrote:
Info: where is the baby daddy??? My personal opinion is that your sister isn’t leaving. I say that because my sister also lived at home and got pregnant when I was expecting her to leave (she had actually moved out for awhile before ending back up at home).
She never left until her baby daddy’s step dad gave them free rent. Kids are expensive and time consuming. She isn’t leaving if she isn’t out before. I think your parents should start asking her questions if they want/expect her to leave.
OP responded:
They’re still friends or some s--t I don’t know. They see him like I think once a month or once every two weeks.
AffectionateCable193 wrote:
NTA. She asked, you said no. She is asking for a favor and had no reason to be mad if you denied it. Especially since you already did her a favor regarding this very same thing before. You are NOT telling her to leave. You only stated that she, herself, has plans to move out. And given those plans, swapping rooms is an unnecessary burden to you.
As for the niece, she won't be deprived if she doesn't have her own room. Plenty of kids share rooms. Sis just wants to not have to share her room with her kid. But since she swapped rooms with you before, this predicament is her own doing. Not your fault she has no foresight.
Apart-Scene-9059 wrote:
NAH: She asked you answered. She should have known there be a chance you don't want to switch and shouldn't be upset you're not just doing whatever she wants you to do.
JumpyMaize4409 wrote:
NAH. I don't think she's wrong for asking, she's a young (single by the sound of it?) mum who wanted to make her life easier for her and her kid.
She might be struggling to save and it's taking longer to move out than anticipated so you might have hit a nerve saying that she'd be moving out soon. At the same time you don't have to move rooms again just because she asked. Its a fair response if to your knowledge she was planning on moving out soon.