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'AITA for telling my uncle off after telling me I can't wear pink? He really set me off.'

'AITA for telling my uncle off after telling me I can't wear pink? He really set me off.'


"AITA for telling my uncle to get f-ed after telling me I can't wear pink?"

I (18m) love the colour pink, always have. I've never cared it's a "girls" colour and I guess I was lucky to have a mum who didnt care either and would buy me and my siblings things regardless of colour or gendering without all the weird "no, it's for girls/boys" some other parents do.

It's been really cold lately so I've been wearing this really warm hoodie I have that happens to be pink. It's nice and fluffy and oversized, I love the thing. Anyways my uncle came over yesterday and he can be a bit of a prick.

He was immediedly taking the piss out of my hoodie and eventually told me to take it off, that I shouldnt be wearing pink. To that I told him to F off, after that he got huffy and left 10 mins later calling me an AH. AITA?

People kept it real in the comment section.

pashchimrailway wrote:

Absolutely NTA. I would purposefully wear more pink around him to annoy him even more.

OP responded:

I guess time for a whole pink outfit.

Character-Put864 wrote:

NTA. My partner wears nailpolish on purpose in front of his father just to annoy him. And because he likes it. But mostly to annoy the old man. Maybe you should get into nailpolish too. Make it fun. People like your uncle deserve to be annoyed.

OP responded:

I got some nail polish laying around, might do that lol. Normally, I like my black nail polish but might have to go pink this time.

CryptographerHot8184 wrote:

NTA colours aren't gendered, wear whatever you feel comfortable in.

OP responded:

Hate people gendering colours. Colours are colours.

FuzzyMom2005 wrote:

NTA. And here's an interesting bit of history: Pink was originally considered a masculine color in the early 20th century, and was sometimes used for boys' clothing.

In 1918, the trade publication Earnshaw's Infants' Department suggested that pink was more suitable for boys because it was stronger, while blue was more delicate and suited for girls. Pink was also seen as a lighter, softer version of red, which was associated with strength and courage, traditionally masculine traits. It only reversed in the '40s.

suitbearer wrote:

NTA. Tough guys wear pink. Uncle has SDE + toxic masculinity.

Next time show him your pink underwear.

Bivagial wrote:

NTA. Except for some rare occasions, clothing shouldn't be gendered. Unless it's because it has a different crotch size, I don't think it should even be marketed for different genders.

You do you. Enjoy the fluffy. Enjoy the pink.

And tell your uncle that at least one internet stranger (me) finds it attractive when a guy will wear what he feels comfortable in, regardless of colour. Pink suits a lot of guys, and it's actually a colour that has been found to be calming. It makes perfect sense for you to wear a pink jumper when you're chilling.

I'm a bit of an AH, but if I were you, for my next birthday I would have the invitation stipulate that all guests need to wear pink, as that's your theme. Anyone who doesn't want to wear pink is welcome to stay at home. And then, just to be a total d-k, I would have the birthday party 10 year old girls dream of. Rainbow unicorn cake. Pinata full of cheap "girly" toys.

Time set aside for a tea party (complete with stuffed toys. If you don't have enough, ask friends to bring them). Maybe do each others nails. Just go full tilt. Wear what you enjoy. Play with the toys you enjoy. Watch the TV shows you enjoy. No shame. I know a bunch of adult guys who unironically enjoy Barbie games. Some of these dudes are even straight (one is married to a woman, who indulges him).

Unless something interacts with genitals or hormones, nobody should be stopped interacting with it because society has deemed it only appropriate for one gender. You do you, Boo. You got this. Screw your uncle.

emily_oriley wrote:

NTA. My son’s favorite color has always been pink ever since he was really little. Folks used to give me weird looks when I got him Minnie Mouse toys but thankfully they don’t bug him now that he’s older and all his accessories are pink (iPad case, school supplies, headphones, etc).

OP responded:

Love that. It was great having a mum that would get me Barbies and Ninja turtles lol.\

Marivisse wrote:

NTA - your uncle sounds like the type of man who believes that he deserves respect simply because he’s your senior. Respect must be earned. He’s an AH. Good for you.

OP responded:

You're kinda spot on. He thinks he deserves respect as "the man" of the house since I was like 7 and my dad passed even tho he doesnt help out and comes around to just eat mum's food.

Honeybee3674 wrote:

NTA. It drives me crazy when someone says rude things, and harasses people but then get all bent out of shape and offended because the recipient uses a swear word. Hypocritical pearl-clutching.

4Bforever wrote:

NTA and HOW DARE HE demand that you can get off just because he doesn’t like it. I’m a woman and my mom was kind of like that. She stopped telling me how to dress after she did something similar to your uncle and I yelled really loud mom stop trying to get me to take my clothes off! She just laughed and laughed and never did it again.

Tamalene wrote:

NTA, but I've been looking for just that kind of hoodie. Where did you get it? Can you DM me a photo? I love pink!

OP responded:

It's an off brand oodie lol. If you just look up oodies you will see the bright pink one, I have one that's basically the same. If I had the money though I'd so get the Barbie one lol, but it's much cheaper to look around for one thats not brand name.

skrundarlow wrote:

Cold recently, Aussie language, In Melbourne I assume? Are you gay by any chance? Or just a cutie?

Either way your uncle can get screwed. 🙂

OP responded:

Close, perth lol. Yeah gay, that obvious? Hahaha.

Sources: Reddit
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