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'AITA for flipping out at my BF when he pranked me at work?' UPDATED

'AITA for flipping out at my BF when he pranked me at work?' UPDATED

"AITA for not understanding why my boyfriend pranking me at work was funny?"

So I (22 f) was doing an internship at a very prestigious company in my field, and because I went to the same universty as the CEO, he wanted to meet me and have a chat and offer me a job when I graduated, and he said we will meet again at the end of my internship (keep this in mind). My boyfriend was also doing an internship (in a different place).

So one day I get a call from the CEO's office asking me to meet him right away and I go up there and ask if he wanted to see me and his secretary says she didn't think we had an appointment and I call the number and my boyfriend answers and I just hang up, and go to my desk.

I'm very angry and ashamed. I just don't understand how it was considered funny?! He says I should have realized it wasn't real, but the number he called me from was from his work so I didn't recognize it, and I also was really looking forward to seeing the CEO again because of the job offer so I didn't suspect anything and just embarrassed myself in his office.

So after work I call my bf and ask him wtf was that and he humiliated me, and he says I should have known and I shouldn't be mad because it was a joke! When I ask for an apology, I get the same response "You should have realized it wasn't real". So AITA for not thinking his prank was funny and getting mad at him?

What do you think? AITA? This is what top commenters had to say:


NTA. What an awful thing to do. I never understand why people think humiliation is a good prank. Imagine doing that to someone you love just so you can have a laugh. It's selfish. I would be reflecting on this relationship a lot right now.


NTA. That was a dick move and clearly a red flag, I'm pretty sure he know how important that is to you.

[deleted] said:

Uhh NTA but ngl i would seriously consider your relationship - not because of the prank but that he is refusing to apologize for a “prank” (imo it’s not considered a prank if the person who get pranked doesn’t laugh). Clearly you didn’t find it funny and are trying to keep things professional in your work space so if he cant respect that ...

And said:

A joke is something that all the people involved find funny. This was not a joke. It wasn’t even a prank. It was a mean-spirited trick at your expense. NTA.


As this happend a while back I can give you an update on what happened at that company, I didn't get the job but for unrelated reasons (cause getting hired at that compamy requiered too much time, and I had to constantly follow up and it just didn't seem right for me), I recently applied for another job.

Even if I don't get that job either I'm optimistic and I will not give up. I will give an update on the relationshipas as soon as I can. Thank you all again for your interest and time.

Final update: so I talked to my bf and he apologized and when I asked what was funny about it, he said it wasnt and he was sorry, and he just seemed embarrassed. We've been pretty good since then. And I also got an internship at another great company and will soon be employed there. So everything is going great.

Sources: Reddit
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