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Bride bans 'golden child' sister from wedding, 'I was his second choice.' AITA?

Bride bans 'golden child' sister from wedding, 'I was his second choice.' AITA?

"AITA for refusing to invite my sister to my wedding after what she did?"

So, I (27F) am getting married in a few months, and it’s supposed to be one of the happiest moments of my life. But there’s drama because I told my family that my older sister (30F) is not invited.

For some backstory: My sister and I have never been super close. She’s always been the golden child in my parents’ eyes, and I was kind of the afterthought growing up. That’s whatever, I made peace with it. But the real issue started when I got engaged last year. My fiancé (28M) and I have been together for five years, and he and my sister have always been civil but never really friends.

A few months after we got engaged, I found out from a mutual friend that my sister had been telling people at a family gathering that my fiancé had originally wanted to propose to his ex (which is completely false) and that I was just his “second choice.” I was devastated. My fiancé was livid when he heard, and my parents just brushed it off as my sister “being blunt.”

I confronted her, and she first denied it, then when I showed her proof (texts from the friend who heard it), she just laughed and said, “Well, you are insecure about him, so maybe that’s why it got to you.” I cut contact with her after that.

Fast forward to now—my wedding invites went out, and she didn’t get one. My parents are furious, saying that I’m being dramatic, that she’s my sister, and that I need to “get over it” because family is more important. My dad even said, “If you uninvite her, then don’t expect us to show up either.”

I don’t want drama on my wedding day. I don’t want someone who disrespected my relationship to sit there smiling like nothing happened. But now I’m wondering if I’m making this a bigger deal than it needs to be. So… AITA for not inviting her?

Here's what top commenters had to say about this one:

sanki4489 said:

NTA, tell you parents that if they don't want to come, they don't have to come.

beached_not_broken said:

Tell your parents you’re “being blunt” and she’s being “insecure”. Let them know they chose not to intervene then, they don’t get a say now. And let them know that if they choose your sisters disrespectful behavior and bullying over your piece of mind and relationship then they can also choose to opt out of future family celebrations such as grandchildren etc. and mean it.

lunar_fuun said:

You're NTA. Your sister was really mean, and you don't have to invite her to your wedding if you don't want to. It's your day, and you should be surrounded by people who love and support you.

Staremberr said:

NTA. Your sister spread hurtful lies about your relationship, and you don’t have to pretend everything’s fine for the sake of “family." It’s your wedding, your rules.

ulla_forsaken said:

NTA. Your sister spread hurtful lies about your relationship, and you have every right to protect your special day from that negativity. Your parents are enabling her behavior, and you shouldn't feel pressured to include someone who clearly doesn't respect you or your fiancé. It's your wedding, and you deserve to be surrounded by people who genuinely celebrate your happiness.

Jokester_316 said:

NTA, tell your parents to go ahead. Don't come to your wedding. They have their golden child already. Tell your dad you'll find someone else to walk you down the wedding aisle. That will hit him hard.

AZDarkknight said:

NTA - Tell you dad, she isn't uninvited as she never was invited in the first place. If you choose to not show up then I will be sad but it will just confirm to me how you have always treated me. My family is my future husband and no one will try to interfere with that. Please let me know if you wont be attending so I can make alternative arrangements. I love you. (or something along those lines)

Sources: Reddit
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