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Bride demands that MIL replace friend's grass after bridal shower meltdown. AITA?

Bride demands that MIL replace friend's grass after bridal shower meltdown. AITA?


Many of us are familiar with the occasional passive aggressive comment from a family member, but we usually don't lock them in the bathroom during a wedding event over it...

So, when a frustrated and debatably tone deaf bride decided to vent to the moral compass of the internet otherwise known as Reddit's 'Am I the As*hole' about her future mother-in-law's epic meltdown at her bridal shower, people were eager to weigh in.

"AITA for demanding MIL replace my friend's grass?"

MIL and I have had a very troubled relationship, but I agreed to try one more time for her son. She agreed but to be honest she isn't trying. I had my bridal shower recently, which I know MIL didn't want to go to, but we are in the awkward space where she can't say no and I can't uninvite her, because we are supposed to be trying.

MIL was extremely rude at my shower. She was snarky and passive aggressive, so pretty much herself. She then left very upset because she felt my friends were bullying her because she was briefly confined in a bathroom. I tried to talk to her but she told me to f-k off and got in her car.

I went back inside and heard my good friend (whose house it was) shouting. I looked out and MIL was driving around on the grass, stopping and turning her wheels. She also drove over flowers and wrote all over the bathroom with lipstick and placed items in the toilet.

My friend is humiliated that her yard looks like trash. She broke down in tears over it and I feel awful. My fiancé says it is our fault for confining her to the toilet. I texted MIL that she will not be at the wedding unless she pays someone to fix the yard and she wrote back that she won't be at the wedding either way.

My fiancé tried reaching out but she has blocked him. He tried contacting her SO but no answer. Some feel I went too far by asking her to pay and that I made myself look petty. My friend is trying to raise money from the girls who were there but is still very upset and I just want to help her.

Later, the post was edited to provide more details:

She kept taking digs at me and bringing up my dad's affair partner and how beautiful she is and how her BF took her out on his boat and MIL told her to take pics for my dad.

Then she went to use the bathroom and my friend had a jumprope and just thought it would be funny. She was in their 10 min and threatened to call 911. My friend isn't willing to sue because what she did was technically a crime and MIL's BF is connected.

She was 'briefly confined to the bathroom' for the crime of...passive aggression? There's a lot to unpack here. Here's what the jury of internet strangers had to say about this confusing bridal shower mess...

thirdtryisthecharm said:

ESH - Everyone here appears to be immature and horrible. You all deserve each other.

[deleted] said:

This lady LOCKED SOMEONE IN A BATHROOM and keeps saying “but only for like 10 minutes” as if it makes that better. What in the world ESH.

Cokeycane said:

If you locked her in the bathroom, you all suck.

Dududidu2 said:

YTA. She should have called the cops on you and your friends while she was “confined” to the bathroom.

Alternative_Ad2665 said:

YTA. You and your friends sound like awful bullies. She made some petty comments sure but you could have said something back instead of locking her in the bathroom! Combined with the taunting and nasty comments, your friend deserves the damage.

mkittens_ said:

ESH but you suck way way more. Trapping someone in a bathroom is outright bullying and for what? For sport? What if she'd had a heart attack or panic attack in there?

You and your friends are mean girls and I'm sad that the lawn was the only thing she destroyed. If someone did that to my mom I'd be pressing charges and there'd be zero question of a wedding. You guys deserve anything that woman gives you.

Note to future brides, everywhere: don't lock your mother-in-law in the bathroom. Good luck to this family...the wedding is about to get awkward.

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