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'AITA for calling an uber in the middle of a wedding reception?'

'AITA for calling an uber in the middle of a wedding reception?'


"AITA for calling an uber in the middle of a wedding reception?"


So for context, I have a disability and have the inability to drive. My husband drives me everywhere. My husband knew about my disability when we met. Anyway, my husband proposed and two weeks later his “best friend” proposed to his girlfriend.

We set the date for September 16th but they did too. So we decided to forgo the wedding and elope and buy a home. My husband is asked to do the bachelor party and pays for it all.

They never said he was or wasn’t the best man but they have been friends since diapers. Then the day before the wedding at the rehearsal when the pastor ask it’s a guy that has known the couple for under a year. Okay cool.

My husbands upset but doesn’t say anything. We get to the wedding at noon for pictures. I stay in the car because the place is in the middle of nowhere and I’m not in the party. Both the groomsmen and bridesmaids boyfriends and girlfriend's got to be in the pictures.

Not me. Okay cool. Time for the wedding and we all have seating. The girlfriends and boyfriends are walking with their partners in the party. Except me. Instead they have my husband walk down with his ex ( who conviently wasn’t at rehearsal and they “forgot to tell him”).

Okay cool. I let it go. I married the man. We get to the reception and there’s assigned tables. And shouldn’t you know it he’s sitting with his ex and I’m not even assigned a seat.

I end up standing in the back because I didn’t want to cause anything. I go to the bathroom and the brides in there with the ex who said “He wants me back. It sucks he went and got married.”

The bride then responded “she’s not much, just wait til the dancing starts…she’ll seize out. “ I promptly went and called a uber without saying anything. I ended up telling my husband to stay and he ended up getting in a fight.

The uber came windows down blaring music and I left. I proceeded to get messages now I ruined their day and how if I’d just let my husband go instead of burdening him life would be a lot better. My husbands completely on my side.

He loves and supports me and my disability doesn’t change anything between us. I just don’t know if I should apologize and let it go especially since they were my husbands best friend and they were important to him.

Here were the top rated comments from readers in response to the OP's post:


NTA. It sucks but these people aren’t for you as a couple. The bride isn’t okay. She’s actually pretty awful. It’s impossible for friendship to survive this kind of crap. I’m sorry this happened to you. They’re jerks.


It sounds like a set-up from the get go. They organise their wedding on the same date, let the husband think he's the best man and make him pay for stuff, then hide the fact they got his ex to come and sit with him while not organising anything for OP. It was all intentional and designed to create trouble in OP's marriage.

I had an ex who swore I wanted her back even after I got married. Literally offered no strings, no holes barred secret sex and that I could do anything I wanted and no one would know. My wife knew as I told her and turned the ex down.

I'd blocked her but she and her friends were convinced I was into her and tried to pull stupid shit to get us in the same room. It never worked and I cut people out of my life who enabled any of the BS.


You seem like the only non-clown in this whole hillbilly circus. NTA.


It's a little too hillbilly circus, actually. I find it a little farfetched that someone at their own wedding chooses to pull all these schenanigans to try and break up someone else's relationship. Also they happened to all pick the same exact wedding day so OP chose to elope instead? Yeah, sure.


NTA. The proposal timing, the wedding date, the ex gf, it was all a setup. They didn't want him to marry you. I'd never speak to either of them again unless it was to tell them how awful they are. They'd would never get an apology from me. You did so good. I can't imagine what kinda crazy I would have unleashed on them AHs.


Apologize for being insulted all through their wedding? I love the exit you made. I hope the music was as loud as I imagine it. NTA.


What awful people! They are not your friends and frankly I'm stunned your husband didn't speak up much sooner and protest the situation. You were just standing there and they didn't give you a seat and he didn't do something? WTAF? you are NTA and I hope you don't ever have anything to do with those people again.


Unless you made a scene NTA. I find it beyond odd that you somehow don't have a seat, and your husband is squiring his ex around at the wedding. Presumably the x and the other couple are tight.

In terms of apologizing, absolutely not. However you could certainly pass along what you overheard so that all parties know and understand, and have the opportunity to apologize TO YOU.

Efficient-Praline244 (OP)

I wasn’t apart of the wedding party so I couldn’t sit with my husband. And the assigned seats had names just not mine.


YTA but this story seems totally made up. Were you hiding in a bathroom stall and overheard the bride and the ex talking about you? I mean you’re not really claiming they said that to your face right?

And really your Uber pulled up just pumping loud music at a wedding venue pick up? And really you’re claiming yoh weren’t assigned a seat? C’mon. My BS detector is beeping loudly.

So, what do you think about this one? If you could give the OP any advice here, what would you tell them?

Sources: Reddit
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