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'AITA for cutting my family off and cursing them out?' 'They always pick my OnlyFans sister over me.'

'AITA for cutting my family off and cursing them out?' 'They always pick my OnlyFans sister over me.'

"AITA for cutting my family off and cursing them out for always picking my only fans sister over me?"

My sister has an OF, and she makes pretty ok money. She was never good at school or anything so after high school, she gave up. She told my parents pretty recently, and ever since then my parents have been copping so hard. They are super sensitive about her and will not let anyone talk badly about her.

Unfortunately, this has messed up our relationship because anything she wants she gets. It's actually crazy. If I want to eat anything, but she wants it too, she gets to get it. If I need anything for school they are like "just work, and save up" but if she wants anything to record herself for thousands of people to see, "Oh yeah honey here take my card." Honestly f them.

The last straw came last week when my sister HIT me. I was arguing with her over keeping my room (My parents want her to take my bigger room) and all of a sudden she slapped me when I called her a name. I saved the audio of her and the altercation with reclip (I'm planning on going to the cops), but when my parents found out, they took her side.

This pissed me off so much that I packed up my stuff and left home. Before leaving I spilled my heart, and cursed them out. It was messed up, I admit, but still they earned it. I have deleted their contacts and banned them. I am living at my friend's house right now, her parents know the situation and are ok with it. My parents have tried contacting me and apologizing, but I refuse to listen to them. They picked their side.

Here's what top commenters had to say about this one:

WhichCod6368 said:

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Them, not you. NTA.

xdollestgirl said:

NTA. It sounds like you’ve been put in a very unfair situation where your needs and feelings were constantly disregarded in favor of your sister’s choices. Your frustration is understandable, especially after the slap and your parents taking her side despite everything.

410Writer said

Hell no, you’re not the ahole. Your parents are straight-up clowns for prioritizing your sister’s OnlyFans hustle over basic respect and fairness. Like, how are they funding her “content creation” but telling you to save for school? That’s some next-level favoritism.

And your sister hitting you? Absolute trash behavior. Your parents backing her after she slapped you is wild. They’re enabling her entitlement and treating you like an afterthought. Good for you for packing your bags and setting boundaries.

They’re only apologizing because now it’s inconvenient for them. Stay strong, focus on building a life where you’re valued, and let them sit in the mess they made. You deserve better. Keep that energy.

You had every right to stand up for yourself and set boundaries. It’s clear that you’ve been feeling neglected and mistreated, and your response, though intense, is a reflection of how hurt you are. You’re choosing to protect your own mental and emotional well-being, which is something you deserve.

Maleficent-Bottle674 said:

YTA. You called your sister names and you're surprised she slapped you. It's very telling on how entitled you are that you are shocked that you're not seeing us the innocent victim in this.

Honestly I don't think you're the most reliable narrator considering you have the audacity to put she slapped you after you called her names and you're acting like the victim. But I doubt many will call you out on this behavior because your sister does only friends thus meaning she is undeserving of any respect.

Wickbabyluff said:

What does her OF have to do with anything? It just sounds like you're jealous.

LA-forthewin said:

YTA. Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences. It seems like you've been smug and judgmental. Calling her names, you're even mad that your parents won't let you insult her. Stay with your friend , it's a win win for everybody, especially your sister.

nikki-vendetta said:

ESH to be honest but all for different reasons. You're trying to make it about your sister on OF, when it's not. Your parents for playing favorites. And your sister for hitting you.

Sources: Reddit
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