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'AITA for showing my GF pictures of my attractive ex after she called all of my exes ugly?'

'AITA for showing my GF pictures of my attractive ex after she called all of my exes ugly?'


"AITA for showing my girlfriend pictures of my attractive ex after she called all of my exes ugly?"


Some history here, let’s call my girlfriend Rachel. Rachel and I first met in college, we had the same major, lived in the same dorm. We used to hang out all the time, and though we weren’t a couple everything was going that way, we would cuddle together, eats meals together.

Everything changed though once she started going out to frat parties, I remember one night our dorm group going out guys and girls and we walked to the frat houses and the frat bros at the door told us the girls could come in but no guys allowed.

After that night Rachel lost interest in me and started pursuing frat guys. At the time I was hurt, but I wasn’t shocked this happened. I still went on dated other people and lived my life and had a good college experience.We then didn’t talk in person till we were both 30. three months ago I posted a story of food, and Rachel asked me out over Instagram.

We started dating and throughout our relationship Rachel has been the one to pursue me more, she was the one that asked to be exclusive. Is asking me to post her on my instagram.I say this because despite that she has tried to frame the relationship as that I am the super lucky guy that got a girl out of his league and that I should be super grateful.

Recently she was asking to see pictures of my ex’s, I told her there is no good to come out of that. She then pressed me, and then said it is probably because they are all ugly.

I told her, I dated attractive women before you, I am a pretty handsome guy. She then said something about men and their egos.

I was like okay, then I pulled up the Instagram of my ex, Rachel did not believe I dated her so then I showed a selfie of us together.

She then asked what my ex did for work, I think hoping that I would say she had some bad job or something. I told her she was a recruiter for Meta. Rachel then asked how old she was, I told her she is 24. Then she said oh well, I looked liked that when I was 24 and I was like okay but you are 30 now.

After that, I saw her look at me and then I saw tears started to come. She got quiet and then left the room and when I tried to comfort her she just told me to leave.

I haven’t been able to talk to Rachel really she has just sent me one word replies.

When I talked to my female friends, they said my oh well yo are 30 comment basically made her feel old and unattractive, that what I did was purposely mean and trying to humble her. For me I did not even want to go down this path, I just wished we could leave our ex’s in the past and be happy we have each other now.

Here were the top rated comments from readers:


Recently she was asking to see pictures of my ex’s, I told her there is no good to come out of that. She then pressed me, and then said it is probably because they are all ugly. I told her, I dated attractive women before you, I am a pretty handsome guy.

She then said something about men and their egos.

I was like okay, then I pulled up the Instagram of my ex, Rachel did not believe I dated her so then I showed a selfie of us together.

That's a really weird flex for her, saying your exes must have been ugly. A really backhanded compliment to you as well, if you think about it. It would not surprise me, if she thought you were the one that got away.

But only if she chose you, because she thinks she is better than you. You're 30 and want an adult relationship, who at 30, says your exes were probably ugly? Do yourself a huge favor and drop her.


"She then said something about men and their egos."

I also love the irony of this statement given her reaction to having her attempted ego boost thwarted.


I have never once heard a woman say this in person who was not attempting to excuse or justify some sort of wretched idiocy on their own part.


Right? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Throwing rocks from glass houses.


She wants to secure her position with you, by destroying your self esteem to the point you believe you could do no better than her. The reality is that you would be hard-pressed to do worse, because she may be pretty, but that’s because all the ugly is on the inside in concentrated form.


How does she have the right to feel hurt when she tries to frame your relationship with her as, "super lucky guy that got a girl out of his league and that I should be super grateful."

As for your female friends' comments, they should have thought about how Rachel framed the relationship. They should have been on your side, female or not. NTA, truth hurts.


lmao i love this. NTA don’t ask questions you don’t want an answer too.


NTA but PLEASE do a favor to yourself and dump her. Her insecurities are really toxic.


Maaaaaann dump her

Why did you take her back?

Her being so pushy has something behind it. I bet she's had enough fun with frat like men and went back to you aggressively because she's thinking "I'm 30, clock is ticking, need someone safe"

It's disrespectful of her to think that you somehow would not be able to date someone "out of your league" lol. Naw, man. She's got something going on, some insecurities and this will bite you in the ass if you stay with her.

So, what do you think? Is the OP in the wrong here? If you could give them any advice, what would you tell them?

Sources: Reddit
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