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'My fiancé’s stepmom keeps saying he and I are siblings. AITA for wanting to call off the wedding?'

'My fiancé’s stepmom keeps saying he and I are siblings. AITA for wanting to call off the wedding?'

"My fiancé’s stepmom keeps saying he and I are siblings. AITA for wanting to call off the wedding?"

So, I (23F) am engaged to my fiancé, Daniel (24M). He’s the son of a very wealthy businessman, and to be honest, I come from a much more humble background. We met a few years ago at a mutual friend’s party and hit it off immediately.

We have a ton in common—same sense of humor, similar values, we’re both super family-oriented, and we have the same weird taste in music. We even share similar quirks and habits that make us seem like we’ve known each other forever. Basically, we just click.

Here’s where the problem starts. Daniel’s father remarried a few years ago to a woman named Valerie. She’s in her mid-40s and, well, let’s just say she’s not the nicest person. She’s always been kind of cold to me, but I didn’t think much of it. A little passive-aggressive here and there, but nothing crazy.

However, over the last few months, things have started getting out of hand. Valerie started making these strange comments, usually when we’re alone or in private settings. She has started implying that Daniel and I are too close for fiancés. The first time she said it, I laughed it off, thinking it was some weird joke.

But then it kept happening. She started pushing the idea that Daniel and I are not just fiancé and fiancée, but rather brother and sister in some kind of spiritual or emotional sense. She kept saying things like, “It’s just like the way real siblings can talk for hours about nothing” or “You two look so much alike, I’m surprised you haven’t figured out you’re actually related.”

I thought she was just being bizarre, but it kept escalating. At one point, she showed up at one of our family gatherings with this family tree thing that supposedly “proves” Daniel and I could be distant cousins. The family laughed it off, but the whole thing left me feeling unsettled.

I’m not sure why she’s so obsessed with this narrative, but she even started calling us “the twins” in front of other people, which made me feel super uncomfortable.

I’ve talked to Daniel about it a few times, and he says I’m overthinking it, that Valerie is just trying to get under my skin. But at this point, I’m not so sure. I feel like Valerie is intentionally trying to paint us as siblings to make me feel uncomfortable and to undermine our relationship. And it’s really starting to mess with my head.

We’re supposed to get married in a few months, but now I’m seriously considering calling it off. I don’t know if I can marry into a family that has this kind of weird, toxic dynamic. I don’t want to feel like a part of this twisted narrative that’s being forced on us. Daniel says I’m letting Valerie win by even thinking about this, but it’s messing with my head so much that I don’t know if I can go through with it.

So, AITA for thinking about calling off my wedding because of Valerie’s insistence that Daniel and I are siblings? Should I just brush it off like Daniel wants, or is this a sign that something deeper is wrong here?

EDIT: Just to clarify, we’re definitely not siblings or related in any way, shape, or form. Valerie has no evidence or reason to believe this, it’s all just her weird fixation. Also, Daniel and I are both adamant about not being related in any way. We’ve been to family gatherings, and nobody in the family has mentioned this before, but Valerie is definitely the only one who keeps pushing this narrative.

EDIT 2: For those who are saying that I should not let this ruin my marriage, something that I forgot to add in this post was that she brings this up CONSTANTLY. In family group chats, social situations, even infront of the children in this family.

In public, when she brings this up, me & my fiancé get weird looks and even the children of the family have been asking me if me and Daniel are actually brother & sister or not, which, to have to explain to a child that it's just the family's 'humor' doesn't cut it. I've tried avoiding her but Daniel's father claims it's me being sensitive & 'cruel' but I have actually lost sleep over this.

Daniel told me a few days ago to just 'ignore' it & it's just a funny joke, but when you become the butt of the joke, it's not funny anymore. His MIL has even met MY family, and questioned them about whether they had any distant family when we were looking at MY wedding dresses, and to me, that is where it went too far.

I love my fiancé with every fiber of my being, but he isn't defending me at all when I tell them that bringing up the fact that me & my fiancé could be in an incestous relationship makes me uncomfortable. I feel completely alone on this, and I don't want to think about ruining our marriage, but I have considered it.

Will I ultimately choose that? No, but I don't know if I want to be with someone who completely undermines my feels for the sake of his MIL who ultimately does not have his nor my best interest at heart. I will bring this up to him again later today or at a later date. I'll keep you all updated.

Edit 3: A lot of you have a point, I don’t think my fiancé is a red flag though, I’m assuming that is just how he & his family joke with eachother, and since I’m not really the ‘joking’ type, maybe I just don’t understand it. But you are one of the more understanding comments, which a lot of the others are not, & they just don’t see how this has affected me and strained my relationship with my soon to be family.

I’ve tried cutting off the MIL, but my fiancé & his father convinced me not too, and so it feels like I simply can’t win in this situation. I texted my fiancé about this post and the comments and he told me if I bring it up again, he will just remove me from the family group chat entirely.

I feel as though he is mad at me, which maybe I have overreacted, but I’m not really the confrontational type & he knows that, & it’s his family.

Since I am his soon to be wife, he should be understanding of that, and of my boundaries, but he shuts me down each time, and I kind of feel like the AH now for making it such a big deal. He wants me to apologize to his family for the sake of peace, and to just go along with it in the sake of 'good fun.'

But doing that makes me feel like I am pushing aside my own feelings of the matter for the sake of a weird joke the MIL made, should I apologize or should I stand my ground? It feels like the ladder to me.

Here's what people had to say to OP:

Whenever she starts talking like this look really uncomfortable, look away, and then loudly say “ Valerie I have asked you repeatedly not to speak to me about your incest fetish, it makes me and everyone else uncomfortable” and the quickly walk away while looking behind you to make sure she isn’t following you. She will look like a psycho no matter what she says or does after that.

Sounds like Valarie married a rich man and wants to make sure he doesn’t leave money to his son by breaking up his relationships and causing a rift between father and son. Does your fiancée’s father hear this? What does he say about his supposed daughter?

You don't have a stepmom problem. You have a Daniel problem. Conflicts with in-laws crop up all the time. What's important is that he listens to you and works as a team to address the issue. Does he normally minimize your feelings in other areas too?


He believes in a more traditional marriage. Wife stays home with the kids and husband goes out and works. I never had a problem with this since I am generally a homebody, and since I’ve grown up as the eldest of 3 siblings, I am okay with doing the housework & taking care of the kids. But with this mindset, he normally disregards my feelings, and so does his family.

Yeah he's definitely not as great as you think he is. Based on this, I definitely think NTA for wanting to end the engagement and break up. This will be an issue. You will encounter in a million different ways if you marry this man. You deserve better.


Though you have a point, I don’t think my fiancé is a red flag, I’m assuming that is just how he & his family jokes with eachother, and since I’m not really the ‘joking’ type, maybe I just don’t understand it. But you are one of the more understanding comments, which a lot of the others are not, & they just don’t see how this has affected me and strained my relationship with my soon to be family.

I’ve tried cutting off the MIL, but my fiancé & his father convinced me not too, and so it feels like I simply can’t win in this situation. I texted my fiancé about this post and the comments and he told me if I bring it up again, he will just remove me from the family group chat entirely.

I feel as though he is mad at me, which maybe I have overreacted, but I’m not really the confrontational type & he knows that, & it’s his family. Since I am his soon to be wife, he should be understanding of that, and my boundaries, but he shuts me down each time, and I kind of feel like the AH now for making it such a big deal.

I’ll update the thread again if anything else serious happens. ❤️

Sources: Reddit
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