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'AITA for not ordering food so I wouldn't have to split the bill?' 'Everyone looked at me.'

'AITA for not ordering food so I wouldn't have to split the bill?' 'Everyone looked at me.'

"AITA for not ordering food so I wouldn't have to split the bill?"

I (27M) have been apart of a small friend group, around 8 people total, basically since college. For some background, 2 people from the group, Susan and Greg, are just absolute leeches.

Going out for lunch? Expect them to order the most expensive on the menu then feed you some sob story about their finances and then dump half the bill on you. Last weekend, Dan, one of the people from the group, told me about a casual dinner.

I told him how if Susan or Greg were there I wouldn't be able to come. He tells me that they would be there but I should just put my opinions aside and come just once. This is kind of where I might be an AH. I agreed with him and told him I would be there. I show up and we all get to talking.

Everyone began putting in their orders, most of them spent about $40. There were only about 6 people there. When it gets to Susan and Greg, they both order expensive dishes, around $200.

When it was my turn to order, everyone looked at me, but I just pick up the menu and point to the $4 Miller Lite and sent the waiter away. Dan asked why I hadn't ordered anything and all I said was that I lost my appetite. The other 2 friends got up as well to cancel their orders and just have drinks.

After the main courses came out, I saw Susan and Greg picking at their food. The waiter then brings over the check. Greg then grabs the waiter and asks him to split the check 6 ways.

I stand up and correct him saying the check was to be split 3 ways. Greg looks at me confused and asks why since we "always" split the bill. I reminded him that 3 of us had not eaten any food so we would just be paying for our drinks.

So basically at the end of the night, Dan, who probably only ate around $50 worth of food, was stuck with a $146.98 check at the end. (Yes, I remember the exact number.) I swear I saw his jaw drop when he picked that receipt up.

I slid a $10 towards the check, said goodbye everyone, and walked out. The next morning, I found my phone full of texts from Greg and Susan telling me I was an AH for not ordering any food and forcing them to pay more than they had accounted for. I honestly laughed because the steaks alone were more than what they had paid but to each their own right?

I also got a lot of messages from Dan saying that I could have just not came instead of pulling that stunt and getting him stuck with an outrageous bill.

Later, OP edited the post to include:

Wrong_Moose_9763 said:

“I also got a lot of messages from Dan saying that I could have just not came instead of pulling that stunt and getting him stuck with an outrageous bill.” You tried that, HE DIDN’T LET YOU! This is entirely on hi, He FAFO, NTA. Don’t even start me about Susan and Greg. They actually had to pay for their own meal? Poor babies.

newmumma12 said:

NTA. Dan insisted you come. He just wanted an extra head to help pay for Susan and Greg's expensive meals, and he's mad you didn't fall for it. He should be mad at Greg and Susan for not just paying for their meals in full. The whole group should really do separate checks instead of splitting the bill

dncrmom said:

NTA Dan should have spoken up & told the waiter he would also like a separate check. It was a learning experience for him to advocate for himself. Going forward ask the waiter a separate check when your order so mooches can’t take advantage of you.

JanetInSpain said:

NTA at all. Greg and Susan are the worst assholes in a friend group. If there's every another one of these meals, send a note ahead of time telling everyone you'd like to propose from now on that everyone pay their portion based on what they ordered plus legitimate tip.

You can use Dan as an example. Tell him you were sorry to see that Dan paid so much more than what he spent and you think it's only fair that the bill be divided by as-ordered instead of equally.

Uruzdottir said:

NTA. The two friends that only ordered drinks as well? Hang out with them and ditch the rest. You're right around the age when people realize that socially, they've picked up some trash along the way and a thorough spring-cleaning of the roster is in order.

I recommend you do so. If they are users, out they go. If they enable users, out they go. Stop letting yourself be taken advantage of.

socialcommentary2000 said:

NTA. Some people have to get taught about these sorts of social conventions. I would sooner cover for friends that are hitting hard times than exclude them from a communal meal...but I would also expect to have a heart to heart about it with said friends before hand.

You're just dealing with ungrateful free riders at this point. I don't even really care about free riding, but at least try to make others whole. Sitting there and going all out on the menu while everyone else is hanging back or being reasonable is something else..

Sources: Reddit
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