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'AITA for humiliating MIL's husband on his birthday and giving him a DNA test?'

'AITA for humiliating MIL's husband on his birthday and giving him a DNA test?'


"AITA for humiliating MIL's husband on his birthday and giving him a DNA test?"


MIL's husband "Tom" and I have birthdays a few days apart. For some background Tom does not like my husband or I. Honestly I'm not sure he likes anyone but MIL. We fell on hard times and had to stay with MIL and him and he is making it clear that he resents us and we are ruining his life. He behaves like a child, muttering under his breath and rolling his eyes at us.

Well the day of my birthday I overheard him and MIL talking. He was holding her and she was saying he had to let her get up. She had to wrap my birthday present because dinner was in a little bit. Tom asked what she got me and she told him, and Tom said "well that was mean.

If you were going to spend money on her, maybe something to fix her skin" MIL laughed but said "don't be an ass" and Tom said "I'm not joking. I can't eat pepperoni pizza anymore. I think about her face. It is giving me a phobia"

I was stunned and fighting back tears. I am currently dealing with a breakout and he made me feel like dirt on the ground. I went to my room and cried. I couldn't face him for dinner, so I lied about feeling unwell.

I know it isn't really MIL's fault, but I don't even want to look at her anymore. I mean yeah she always tells him he is being an ass, but it doesn't stop her from being cuddly and lovey with him.

Well Tom's birthday was the other day and I gave him a DNA kit. He looked really confused and I said it was for his son. For some background he has an adult son who he has never supported financially because his wife was unfaithful with his father (and potentially his brother).

Tom is a lawyer who specializes in hiding assets and lying about wealth, and his ex is unfortunately not very smart. Now this is a big shameful secret no one is allowed to talk about (and his dad isn't allowed to meet MIL lmao)

Tom got up calmy but I could see he was furious. He said if i have money to waste on dumb pranks why am I still in his house and he stalked off. MIL began berating me that that was cruel and how dare I humiliate him. My husband thinks it is hilarious but idk if I went too far as they had people over.

Here were the top rated comments from readers in response to the OP's post:


Should've ordered him a pepperoni pizza.


YTA, you could have behaved like an adult and had a conversation with them both privately letting them know with you overheard. Instead, you decided to go scorched earth and embarrass him in front of other people. You might want to start packing and should probably prepare to get kicked out.


Yes, YTA. He may be a jerk but what you did was done out of spite because of what you overheard. You knew you were humiliating him. You're staying in his home because you've "fallen on hard times."

If you don't want to be subjected to him, find another place to live. Otherwise, suck it up buttercup. For what it's worth: I can't help but feel there's A LOT more to the story if he's "muttering and rolling his eyes" and making nasty comments.


YTA. Doing this while people were over was definitely too far. You can resent him for what he said but he said it in private with his wife. I'm sure you say plenty of nasty things about him in private with your husband and wouldn't be too happy if he did something to embarrass you in front of others because he overheard something.


YTA- you are living rent free in his house and overheard a private conversation… I get it’s hurtful but you went over the top with your petty revenge. It wasn’t cute or funny. Hope you have somewhere else to stay.


YTA You were eavesdropping and heard things you shouldn't have, what did expect to hear when you eavesdrop like that. He was right if you have money to waste you should find somewhere else to live instead of imposing on them.


Yeah YTA and you have a lot of nerve when you’re living in this man’s house. I wish he would’ve made fun of your pizza face in front of everyone.


YTA in so many ways. 1st you sound entitled as F. How dare Tom not be thrilled to have you staying in his house. Most people aren't thrilled when adult married kids have to move back in because they can't support themselves.

You weren't invited. You're there simply because you can't support yourself and take care of your own business. And then you have the nerve to be ungrateful. You should try being more appreciative of what he's doing for you and considerate at how much YOU ARE disrupting his life and maybe he'd be more pleasant to be around. Better yet, get your shit together and find somewhere else to live on your own dime.

2nd you eavesdropped on what they both thought was a private conversation and heard things you'd rather not hear. Next time, walk on by and don't sit there and listen.

Last OMG you are such a massive asshole. The woman cheated with HIS DAD and likely his brother. Have you stopped to think for even a second how painful and traumatic this likely was? And how do you know it is his son when there's such obvious doubt?

If they all wanted to know for sure, they would have pushed for a DNA test. And his ex could have pushed for one during the divorce whether Tom liked it or not. Sounds like it's very likely NOT his kid. More likely it's his brother or nephew.

This was NONE of your business. You did it to deliberately be petty and mean. You're not a nice person. Don't be surprised when Tom or even your MIL kicks your ass to the curb for being such a disrespectful asshole. You deserve it.

So, what do you think about this one? If you could give the OP any advice here, what would you tell them?

Sources: Reddit
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