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'AITA for buying a PS5 without my BF and saying it's mine until he pays me for half?'

'AITA for buying a PS5 without my BF and saying it's mine until he pays me for half?'

"AITA for buying a ps5 without my boyfriend and saying it's mine?"

gymgoldie writes:

My boyfriend (26M) and I (26F) have been together for about 8 months. We live together but keep our finances separate. I worked hard and went to college, which is why I have a well-paying job. When I met my boyfriend, he didn’t have a steady job, but he worked hard so we could live together.

Now, he has a job with a decent income. He makes less than me, so we divide rent and expenses proportionally. I paid the first month’s rent on my own and covered our vacation costs, which he still needs to pay me back for—but there’s no rush, as I don’t need the money right away.

We both love gaming. He plays on his PS4, and I use my Nintendo Switch. He mentioned wanting to buy a PS5 together so we could stop relying on the Switch, which has been lagging a lot. We didn’t discuss who would use the PS4 and who would use the PS5, but we agreed to split the cost 50/50.

I also said I’d love to have a PS5 since my Switch’s performance has been frustrating. However, my boyfriend didn’t have enough savings at the time and still owes me for the vacation, so we dropped the subject.

Recently, my Switch has become even more annoying—it’s slow and doesn’t have enough capacity to load my games. So, I decided to buy a PS5 myself. I have enough savings to afford it, so I texted my boyfriend to let him know I was planning to buy it that day—and I did.

Now my boyfriend is upset because he wanted us to buy the PS5 together. It would have taken him several months to save enough money, which is why I decided to go ahead and buy it myself. He also asked if the PS5 would belong to both of us or just me.

I told him it would be mine until he paid for half of it, but he’s welcome to use it whenever I’m not home. He got upset and said he was disappointed and that I’m being unreasonable. So, AITA for buying a PS5 without my boyfriend and saying it’s mine?

Here are the top rated comments:

LisaCabot says:

More like, he wanted her to pay for half, and have dibs on the ps5 when both of them are at home. He its now pissed because its currently her ps5 and she (obviously) has dibs on it when both of them are home.

Not sure how they will play at the same time unless they have either 2 tvs in the living room, one tv and one smaller screen, or they play in separate rooms which I dont think its the same as "playing together" (with the current switch she could be sitting next to him while playing, its what i do with my bf).

OP responded:

We have two tv's next to eachother in the living room. One small tv and one with a big screen. He plays on the big screen with his ps4, i play on the small screen with my switch. Hope that clears things up.

Comfortable--Box says:

NTA. I think he's just insecure about money and probably feels like you just buying a PS5 whilst he's still catching up on his debt to you is making him feel inferior. That's a him problem, not a you problem.

You're an adult with adult money that you worked hard for and can spend it as you please. Maybe you should tell him he can't play on the PS5 until he can afford it, since he seems so keen to "bite the hand that feeds him".

lostinRC says:

NTA. He wanted you to pay half to get the hand me down ps4. This isn't really a shared asset. Don't take his money if he offers it later or he will demand the ps5 in the break up.

What do you think?

Sources: Reddit
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