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'AITA for going on vacation instead of taking care of my husband after his surgery?'

'AITA for going on vacation instead of taking care of my husband after his surgery?'


"AITA for going on vacation instead of taking care of my husband after his surgery?"

I (24F) have been planning a girls' trip with my sisters and two friends for the past year and a half. We spent two weeks in Greece, and I just got back yesterday. Several months ago, my husband was told he needed his wisdom teeth out and was given several surgery date options: one three months ago, one for the week I would be gone, and two or three options later this year

The clinic was pretty booked, and my husband was in some pain, so I suggested he take the soonest available appointment to not only get it over with but to fix his pain sooner. Plus, I’d be out of the country during the next available one.

He didn’t want to take the soonest option “because it was too soon and he wasn’t mentally prepared,” and I assumed that meant he’d just wait until later in the year.

Three weeks before I left for my trip, my husband informed me that he had booked the time slot while I would be gone and said he’d need me to stay home and take care of him. I told him that wasn’t happening and that he needed to either pick a later date or have someone else help him.

We fought, but ultimately it was decided that my MIL would come take care of him and I’d still go on the trip. While I was away, I spoke to them both a few times, and his surgery went fine, so I continued with my trip.

When I got home, my MIL confronted me, saying how horrible of a wife I was and that I had neglected my husband and chose my friends over him. My husband is still angry, and his entire family is pissed at me.

I feel like he had several options and knew fully well that I wouldn’t be home on the date he chose. He sprung it on me way too last minute to change my plans or get any kind of refund, and I made it clear I would be going. He tried to justify it by saying the first date was too soon and the later dates were too far away, and that I had to understand that he could only do that week. So, AITA?

Here's what people had to say to OP:

BeachinLife1 says:

Nice try. NTA. Don't take any crap from him or anyone else in his family. Tell each and every one of them the dates he had to choose from, and he purposely chose a date when he knew you would be on your trip. He's just pissed because you didn't let him sabotage your trip.

It was wisdom teeth surgery, not a triple bypass. What a baby. I didn't have to have my mommy move in with me when I had mine out. Sorry you married an adult toddler, maybe his mom would like to have him back.

she_who_knits says:

NTA, your husband sure is though. He deliberately tried to sabotage your trip. Tell his family to stuff it. It was a freaking outpatient procedure not open heart. Tell your husband Reddit said he's a jerk and a low life manipulative weasel.

mistabobbydobolina says:

NTA. His reason for booking it when you are going to be gone doesn't make sense. He played a game you chose not to.

ERVetSurgeon says:

NTA. Tell your MIL that he is a shitty husband for trying to sabotage the trip when he could have picked the earlier date if he was in so much pain.

Yeah, wtf, wisdom tooth removal. You need someone to drive you back home and that's it. No need for a nurse st home to recover.

That’s actually a controlling move. Not sure what your history is but this might snowball into something worse. The previous comment was correct though. It’s wisdom teeth. Big freaking deal. If he can’t take pain killer on his own he needs to tie himself back to mommy’s apron strings.

Sources: Reddit
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