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'AITA for being a 'teen' while my grandparents visit because they've never loved me?'

'AITA for being a 'teen' while my grandparents visit because they've never loved me?'

"AITA for telling my grandparents I have no family?"

InternalFoods020 writes:

I (16M) don't know how much background I need to share for this, but I'll give you a rundown. My parents have an on-and-off marriage/relationship. I don't even know if they're legally married anymore.

They’ve broken up more times than I can remember. Their background is that they met in high school and started an on-and-off relationship that stuck. The on-and-off part especially. They got married when they were 19 or 20. I know they got divorced once and remarried once for sure, but there could be more.

They had me in their early 30s. They’ve been on and off my whole life. There were times I went several months to a year—or a little more—without seeing one of my parents. One time, it was my mom for 13 or 14 months. Another time, it was my dad for 11 months. Other times, it was four or maybe five months. I’d see the other parent again when my parents got back together.

Seeing extended family depended on whether my parents were together. The extended family knew I would go months without seeing one of my parents, and even longer without seeing them together. When I’d be sad about it around them, they’d tell me to buck up, saying I was old enough to deal with it.

A few times, I asked to sleep at a family member's house—like asked them directly—because my parents were fighting a lot and on the verge of breaking up again, and they always said no. Nobody ever wanted me.

My parents used to fight more about who had to take me during a breakup than about actually breaking up. They were going through a divorce at one point, and I don’t know if they ever finalized it. Not that it matters anyway. But that's just another part of this.

Since I was 14, I’ve had the best support from my two best friends (they're twins) and their family. Their parents help me out by paying me to babysit, although it’s not really babysitting because it’s just me hanging out with my friends.

They’ve given me money and other stuff just because. For example, when a breakup was happening with my parents, and they both forgot I needed to eat at school, the twins’ parents gave me lunch money. I remember mentioning the forgotten lunches to some people who are supposed to be my family, and they shrugged, saying it was no big deal and I could survive a few days or weeks without lunch.

The twins’ parents also helped me get a part-time job so I could have money when I needed it, which has been great. They even helped me set up a bank account that didn’t require an adult so it’s safe from my parents. So yeah, they’re great.

Back to the point of the post. My mom's side of the family stayed the weekend with us. I was forced to sleep in the office so my grandparents could have my room. I ended up locking myself away most of the time I wasn’t working

On Sunday, my grandparents cornered me and said I was behaving like “such a teen” and that I should be enjoying the time with my family instead of acting like a stranger. I told them I don’t have a family—I have people who see me as a burden and who don’t care what happens to me. I said that’s not a family; that’s just random people who are forced to know me.

They told me to quit being such a teen and acting like the whole world hates me. I told them I never said anyone hated me—I said they didn’t care about me. But I added that I do have people who care about me now, which is nice since I never had that growing up.

They made a big fuss about it to everyone else. My parents ended up fighting about it, and my dad left the house and hasn’t been back since. When I got home yesterday, my mom told me her parents wanted me to know I hurt their feelings and that I owed them—and everyone else—an apology.

They didn't text me directly because they don’t even know I have a phone. It’s a phone the twins’ parents bought me. Nobody in the family has my number, and I’m pretty sure that includes my parents. AITA for what I said?

OP responded to some of the top rated comments.

angeliquehaze says:

Definitely NTA. Your family sounds horrible, I wouldn't want them either. Delusional or two-faced, matter.

OP responded:

To other people I'm sure they're okay but I know where I stand with them and that's as an unwanted burden. They can deny it if they want to but I know how they treated me and the twins and their family have seen enough to know it's how it really is.

curvy_hope says:

NTA. You spoke your truth based on how you’ve been treated, and their response just reinforces that they don’t see or hear you. You owe them nothing, especially not an apology for expressing your feelings. Focus on the people who actually care about and support you.

OP responded:

They never did. Or they did but they didn't want to hear me and they expect me to stand in a corner and shut up. Just don't disappear or I'll be chased after and confronted apparently.

What do you think?

Sources: Reddit
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