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'AITA because I never told my ex that all of our assets were in my parents' name?'

'AITA because I never told my ex that all of our assets were in my parents' name?'

"AITA because I never said to my ex wife that i have nothing on my name but it's all on my parent's name?"

Public-Coffee-5845 writes:

So, I was married to my ex-wife for two years, and when we got married, we didn’t make any prenup because I thought, wrongfully, that she was THE ONE and that she was in love with me, not my money. But fortunately, my parents put everything in their name—my car, my houses, my savings account—basically everything.

Long story short: I caught my wife cheating on me and threw her out of my house. From the beginning, I told my lawyer that I had nothing in my name because, even before the marriage, my parents legally owned everything. I also said that, since I’m not obligated by law, I never want to see my ex-wife again—not in court, not for agreements, or any of that nonsense.

On the day of the divorce agreement, according to my lawyer, my ex’s face changed in about three seconds—from happy to disbelief—when my lawyer showed her proof that nothing I own is in my name, so she’s entitled to nothing. My lawyer also said that my ex was accused of assaulting him and is now facing those charges because she tried to hit him.

Well, my divorce is basically done. To be fair, I still have a few papers to sign tomorrow, but it’s essentially finalized. However, I’m now dealing with something I didn’t expect. For months, I’ve been receiving insults from my ex, her family, and her friends because I never told her that nothing was in my name.

I mean, my ex never asked, and I never felt the need to tell her because, in my stupidity, I really, really, really thought she was the one for me. I honestly don’t see where I went wrong or what I did wrong. She never asked, so I never told her. To me, it’s as simple as that. But maybe I’m wrong for this—I really don’t know.

Here are the top rated comments:

CoconutSamoas says:

NTA because you sound very naïve. My guess is that your parents saw this too which is why they kept everything in their name.

Harvard_Diplomat says:

Cheater didn't tell you she was gold digging and you didn't tell her you had covered your a**. So, you are even. LMAO.

PriaJade says:

NTA. She wasn’t entitled to your money or assets, especially after cheating on you. The fact that everything was under your parents’ names was just smart planning on their part, not deception. She’s only mad because her plan didn’t work.

wlfwrtr says:

NTA If she had stayed true instead of cheating she could have enjoyed it all with you, she chose to cheat so gets nothing. Your parents protected you be thankful to them.

What do you think?

Sources: Reddit
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