Longjumping-Mix-5951 writes:
I (20F) LOVE Dr Pepper. I probably drink a can a day, which I totally know isn’t great, but I eat super healthy and go to the gym religiously (where this incident took place). My boyfriend, Charlie (22M), and I usually work out together.
Yesterday evening, before we went to the gym, I filled up my water bottle with Dr Pepper. I hadn’t had one yet that day and was craving it bad. If I needed actual water at the gym, I was just planning on drinking from the water fountain so my boyfriend wouldn’t have limited water—since I wasn’t bringing any extra.
I made sure to tell Charlie this, as he really doesn’t like Dr Pepper, and I didn’t want him accidentally drinking from my bottle (we sometimes take sips from each other’s bottles). He just said, Okay, no problem, and that he’d avoid my bottle.
Fast forward to when we were wrapping up at the gym—Charlie had just finished an intense set and grabbed the first bottle he saw, which happened to be mine. Before I could even react, he was spitting the Dr Pepper out onto the ground. He started spluttering angrily at me and told me it was a stupid idea to put Dr Pepper in my bottle, and that I should’ve yelled to stop him when he picked it up.
I told him I was sorry that he got a mouthful of Dr Pepper when he was so out of breath and expecting water, but I didn’t have time to warn him because he grabbed it too quickly, and I was focused on counting my own sets.
He wouldn’t accept this as an answer and just stormed off, which was super embarrassing since I was the one who had to clean up his mess. By the time I ran out of the gym to catch up to him, he had already messaged me that he left in an Uber. Since yesterday, he’s only sent me one text saying that we’ll talk about my Dr Pepper "thing" later. I’m literally so confused, and I just need to know—was I wrong?
pennywhistlesmoonpie says:
NTA. Your boyfriend left in an Uber because he took a swig of Dr Pepper? That’s not normal behavior, OP. Your bf is way, way out of line. You can drink Dr Pepper if you want. He should have had his own water if he gets so thirsty when working out. I’m honestly gobsmacked he actually left you at the gym over this. Again, that is NOT normal or mature behavior.
swearinerin says:
Do I find it super duper weird to have Dr Pepper at the gym? YES. Do I also find your BFs reaction WAY over the top? YESSSSS. NTA do whatever you want to even if others (me) find it weird. You’re entitled to drink what you want. He’s NOT entitled to yell and overreact to accidentally drinking your soda…
Owl_Resident says:
Girl, he literally left in Uber. He threw a tantrum like he was 4. You’re NTA. Unless you don’t break up with him. Or at least tell him to get a f&#%ing grip and grow up. Then YTA.
Plastic_Chemistry769 says:
Sooo your boyfriend threw a public tantrum because he had a sip of Dr Pepper? Yeah you're NTA.