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'AITA because I refused to give my sister the gift she opened at Christmas?'

'AITA because I refused to give my sister the gift she opened at Christmas?'

"AITA because I refused to give my sister the gift she opened at Christmas?"

So this Christmas we all went to my (mid-thirties F) parents' house. My sister (couple years younger) came with her husband. They have two kids who I love and spoil rotten. My mother asked for a heated blanket this Christmas and because it's always very complicated to buy shared gifts, I told my sister and father I was buying one for her.

When we started opening presents, I realized that my sister and her husband had opened the blanket. They looked at the label and sure enough. They finally gave the blanket to my mom and we opened the rest of the presents. Afterwards my sister kept saying how she was sad that the heated blanket wasn't for her and looking to see my reaction.

The thing is, two years ago she kept complaining she was freezing and wanted a heated blanket for Christmas. So I bought her a heated blanket for Christmas. A few weeks later she said she wasn't cold anymore and wanted me to give her a specific shirt instead. I tried to keep the peace and returned the blanket (that was quite the hassle) and gave her the shirt for her birthday.

Back to this Christmas, my mom let my sister use her new blanket and every time she would see me she would go on and on about how she loved it and wished she had one. Then my mother said she should ask me for one for her birthday. I kept my mouth shut the first few times, then said you are not getting another blanket from me.

At that point they said she had just made a mistake not keeping the gift. Saying come on give it to her. That she opened it by mistake and she was all excited. I was more than a little annoyed and said you had your chance, I gave you a heated blanket like you wanted and then you didn't want it anymore, so if you want one buy it yourself or ask someone else, I learned my lesson.

I thought it was over but a few days ago my mother told me she was looking for a heated blanket for my sister since I apparently wasn't buying her one. I said that's right and to stop talking about it. I may be TA because I am keeping a grudge and my sister wants the gift she opened by mistake.

On the other hand, what's really keeping me from giving it to her is that I don't think she is grateful and it is very possible that she would once again change her mind if I give in. AITA?

EDIT: Thank you everyone I am feeling SO validated right now and as several of you figured out this is a long pattern of behaviours. Sometimes I start wondering if I am actually wrong when so many things seem unbelievable and I am the one getting blamed. I have enough stories about my family to write a book so stay tuned lol.

EDIT 2: Wow this blew up (I think. Anyway I've never felt cooler). So cool I need a blanket, heated. I wrote the first edit after a handful of comments and figured that was all I was gonna get and thinking that was fun and cathartic and kept me busy for a couple of hours.

I can't reply to everyone anymore but you all are hilarious. As for why she can't buy her own blanket, I guess we will never know. It wasn't made of gold or seals or anything and they are everywhere under $100 before Christmas.

I am not aware of any law that says only one person per family can buy them. This has been an ad by Sunbeam (not really, but I should get a part of every sale made by a redditor this weekend). Now go ask your family to buy you a heated blanket. You know you want to.

Here were the top rated comments from readers in response to the OP's post:

Your sisters actions are highly suspicious. She knew what gift you were giving your mom. You told her beforehand. She ‘conveniently’ didn’t read the gift tag, opened the present and miraculously discovered the blanket. Lovely.

She finally gave the blanket to your mom. (So she was reluctant to give the gift to its intended recipient) Shameful. She tried to make you feel sorry for her, because the blanket wasn’t for her. Of course it wasn’t.

She’s quite happy taking your mom’s new blanket when she’s visits. She’s doubling down on the guilt, trying to get you to buy her one. (What a cheek). But you already got her one previously, (at her request).

Then she wanted something else, so it was exchanged. Why should you be expected to buy another one. Anyone who believes that opening someone else’s gift ‘coughs, by mistake’ should get to keep it, is delusional. Wouldn’t that set the precedent for a ‘first come, first served’ basis for who gets what. Yup. Delusional. Your sister sounds fickle, and extremely entitled.


Oh my you nailed it on the head! As I said in another reply they (her and the husband) said multiple times that their kid gave it to her. As in she read Mom on the label and handed it to my sister. When I said stop blaming the child they handed it over. I laughed at the idea of "first come, first served".

NTA. Your sister is being a petulant child, and you do not need to cater to her whims. Telling your mother to leave you out of it is a good choice.

NTA. Your sister sounds like a 4-year-old. Sounds like your mother let her get away with this childish behavior way too much when you were both children and she never grew out of it.

So she opens someone else’s gift, uses it and expects to just keep it? Doesn’t get her way and now her only option is for you to buy her yet another blanket? Is she incapable of buying her own bedding? Why do you have to buy her something just because she wants it? Y’all seem way too old to still be giving each other birthday gifts anyway.

At some point, you have to learn to be adults. She’s not 5 based on your post if not her behavior but I’d have a very hard time taking her seriously. If your mom wants to enable this ridiculous behavior, that’s her choice but you don’t owe your sister a new blankie. I mean, come on. NTA.

So, what do you think about this one? If you could give the OP any advice here, what would you tell them?

Sources: Reddit
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