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'AITA for telling my neighbor to temper down his incessant partying so I can sleep?'

'AITA for telling my neighbor to temper down his incessant partying so I can sleep?'

"AITA for getting into a heated argument with my neighbour over constant noise?"

Successful_Dare6774 writes:

Hi everyone, I (32F) am really struggling here and need to know if I’m in the wrong. I’m a nurse, so my work schedule is all over the place—sometimes nights, sometimes mornings, and sometimes crazy long shifts. Sleep is everything to me, and honestly, it’s hard enough to come by even without extra stress.

For the past few weeks, my neighbor (mid-30s M) has been throwing these massive parties that go on all night long. I’m not exaggerating—he starts blasting music in the evening, and it doesn’t stop until the sun’s up. It’s not just music either; it’s shouting, laughing, and people stomping around. The walls in my house actually vibrate sometimes from the bass.

It’s not just me who’s annoyed. Other neighbors have mentioned it too, but no one seems willing to say or do anything about it. Meanwhile, I’m losing my mind. I’ve tried everything—earplugs, a white noise machine, even sleeping in a different room. Nothing works.

So, a few days ago, I saw him outside and thought, “Okay, maybe I’ll just have a polite conversation with him.” I told him I’m a nurse, and I really need sleep because of my odd hours. I said I understood he likes to have fun but asked if he could maybe tone it down a bit during the week.

He just smirked at me and said, “That’s not my problem. Maybe you should find another place to live.” I was honestly speechless for a second. I told him I wasn’t trying to ruin his fun, but that the constant noise is making it impossible for me to function. He shrugged and said, “Well, I don’t care. I can do what I want.”

At that point, I snapped. I told him if this keeps happening, I’m going to have to call the cops or report him to the city for a noise complaint. He laughed in my face and said, “Go ahead. See what happens.”

I’ve never called the police on anyone before, and honestly, it feels so extreme. But I don’t know what else to do. I’m running on fumes here, and his complete lack of respect just pushed me over the edge.

Now I’m second-guessing myself. Am I overreacting? Should I just suck it up and deal with it? I don’t want to be the neighborhood villain, but I also feel like I can’t keep living like this. AITA for threatening to call the cops on him?

OP responded to comments on their story.

volumeoforgottenlore says:

You should call the cops on him just for saying "Go ahead see what happens." That sounds like a threat of retaliation.

OP responded:

I don't want things to escalate and cause more issues, but it's getting to the point where I can't take it anymore. If he does not stop, I will have no other option than to file a noise complaint or call the cops. I'm not the only neighbor disturbed by his parties.

jrm1102 says:

NTA - well, he told you to go ahead so, do just that. Also the city may have a noise complaint line.

OP responded:

He is behaving like a real AH with his parties. If this continues, I will have no other option than to call the police on him or file a complaint with the city. I don't mind him having parties sometimes, but not every day.

What do you think?

Sources: Reddit
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