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'AITA for refusing to give my rich aunt her dog back after she constantly flip flops over wanting it'

'AITA for refusing to give my rich aunt her dog back after she constantly flip flops over wanting it'

"AITA for refusing to give my aunts dog back"

Training_Carrot349 writes:

So, a year ago, my aunt (F61) decided that she wanted to sell her dog, which she had had for five years, because it was “too much work” for her and her husband. She and her husband are extremely wealthy, with kids who have moved away from home. She doesn’t work, so she had spent most of her time at home with the dog.

About a year before she decided to sell her dog, our family had lost our beloved fur baby of 15 years due to illness, and we were completely heartbroken. So when we got the news that she wanted to sell her dog, we offered to take her in. We had spent time with her dog before, bonded really well, and knew the transition would be easy for her.

She said that if no one wanted to buy the dog after a few days, she would give her to us for free. Well, we gladly accepted. She gave her to us with the intention that we would keep her forever, and we thought that was that.

We had her for five months, and it was amazing. We loved her with every ounce of our being, she was spoiled rotten, and it was just so good to have a dog again. During those five months, my aunt traveled to Europe and other countries, enjoying her luxurious life.

About a month after she returned from her travels, she started hinting to my mom over the phone that she wanted the dog back. She eventually came right out and asked for her back because she missed her.

We initially refused and told her it was unfair, but she eventually guilt-tripped me, and I agreed to give her back. She ended up taking her back, and our family was absolutely devastated.

Well, well, well—not even a month later, she told us she was moving to an apartment that didn’t allow dogs, so we could have her back. Now, remember, these people are rich rich, and if they truly loved the dog, they could have found a place that accepted pets. We agreed, but only on the condition that she was not going to ask for her back. She agreed, and she brought the dog back to us.

Well, we’ve had our dog for nearly six months now. We’ve changed the ownership and chip information into our name and everything. Guess who called last week? My aunt—hinting that she’s lonely and wants the dog back. My mom gently refused and changed the subject.

In the last 24 hours, there has been an all-out argument between us and her. She’s accusing us of taking her dog, calling us manipulative, and just saying generally nasty stuff. We have refused to give the dog back, and now she’s more or less saying she won’t forgive us and that this will be the end of our relationship. So, AITA for refusing to give our beautiful dog back?

OP responded to the top comment

laughinglovinglivid says:

ESH for passing that dog around like it’s a toy and not a living creature. Why you ever gave it back is beyond me.

OP responded:

I was an absolute idiot and got Guilt tripped by her crocodile tears over the phone saying she missed the dog so much. I learnt my lesson that’s for sure not to believe her BS.

Natenat04 says:

She is using you as a free babysitter for her dog so she can travel and what not, then when it’s convenient for her she wants to get love from the dog. Then the cycle of her getting rid of dog continues. DO NOT EVER give her back that dog. It is so harmful to the dog to be passed around like it isn’t a living creature who is confused, and ripped away from you, the only stability she has.

OP respoded:

I will NEVER and i repeat NEVER be giving my beautiful baby girl back. I would 100 million percent end the relationship with her than give her back.

What do you think?

Sources: Reddit
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