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'AITA If I bring my kids to a town adjacent to my sibling's wedding?' UPDATED 3X

'AITA If I bring my kids to a town adjacent to my sibling's wedding?' UPDATED 3X

"AITA If I bring my kids to a town adjacent to my sibling's wedding?"

My sibling is getting married this year in a different country on the same continent. It's a destination wedding; all the guests live in the same country as us and half are from the same state as us. The rehearsal dinner is on a Thursday, the wedding is on a Friday, and then they apparently have a full weekend of plans. It’s apparently going to be an intimate, adults-only wedding weekend.

I have no problem with this. Apparently there won’t be a bridal party and I’m not obligated as a bridesmaid or anything. If they want keep it small, plan a full weekend of wedding events, and they don’t want kids at their wedding weekend, that is their prerogative. I don't have much in common with this sibling and I don't have an interest in participating in events beyond the rehearsal dinner/wedding.

I’m also not leaving my 4 children (under 10, the youngest will be about 2) at home from Wednesday to Sunday while all of my family of origin are in a different country. I'm also not cool with leaving my husband home while I go to this wedding by myself. The wedding is small enough that really, I will probably only hang out with one of my other siblings who also has a kid.

Our current plan is to bring the kids with us, stay offsite in condo in a different town (~20-30 minutes away from where the wedding is being held), possibly with another sibling who also plans to bring their kids and participate in the same way, and we would either bring a sitter with us or get a sitter (yes, I absolutely have concerns about hiring someone I haven’t met) for the evening of the wedding.

My husband volunteered to hang out with the kids for other events, if I wanted to attend, but we would also explore the area and make a longer vacation out of it. Essentially, not imposing my family on their wedding weekend, but making it so both my husband and myself would be able to attend the wedding and I would be able to attend a few other events too.

The bride said that it is her decision and non-negotiable whether our kids travel with us to the same country where they are hosting their wedding. The bride specifically made a comment that she was concerned I would make my parents watch the kids (No... I'm absolutely not imposing on my parents like that).

She suggested:

- that I leave my kids with my in-laws (they aren't allowed to babysit; we left our kids with them for a couple days and one of my kids had a significant stutter when we returned)

- that I divide the kids amongst my friends

- that I leave my husband at home to watch the kids

- that I leave half the kids with my husband and the other half with my in-laws

It would seem to me that they have control over who they invite and what activities they plan. I have the option to accept/decline some or all of the activities they have planned AND I don't think it's any of their business how I travel. WIBTA if my husband and I to have our kids travel with us?

Here's what people had to say:


"The bride said that it is her decision and non-negotiable whether our kids travel with us to the same country where they are hosting their wedding." It is not the brides place to decide or dictate whether you travel with your kids. "Child free" starts at the threshold of the venue she rented. It doesn't extend to the country of her choice. NTA.


NTA. So your sibling called dibs on the entire country? Will she be posting guards at the boarders? I think we have the Bridezilla of the Year wrapped up.


NTA. The bride has no control or authority over your plans regarding your children. It's nonnegotiable because she doesn't have a seat at the negotiation table. My advice is to tell her to mind her wedding and you will mind your kids and there will be no overlap between them.

Honestly, what you have proposed is thoughtful, considers the needs of all including the marrying couple and your husband and children. It was a nice and brilliant way to address all issues. Have fun and forgive the bride her stupidity even if she doesn't deserve it.

And said:

NTA but i would simply bow out and not attend the wedding. BUT still go on a trip with your husband and kids


Here is the background. Sister is getting married in Canada. It's an intimate, child-free, extended weekend, destination wedding. She thinks that it's within her purview to decide that my 4 kids aren't welcome to be in the next town over, being cared for by either a sitter hired in Canada or by someone traveling with us, during her wedding.

I am not opposed to child-free weddings and have not asked my sister for any special accomodations or anything. We have used both of those options to attend other destination weddings without imposing on the wedding or other guests. After my sister freaked out at me on the phone and stuck her fiancé on the phone to back her up (full story on that below at **), I sent my sister a text stating:

We really wanted to come to your wedding which is why we tried to find a solution for our kids that was mutually acceptable. The reality is that we are not comfortable leaving the kids while both (husband) and I and Mom and Dad are out of the country.

So, if it's not acceptable for us to all be in Canada at an offsite condo, with the kids having a sitter during the wedding and (husband) hanging out with them during other events, or bringing someone with us to watch them at the condo during the events, then we won't be able to attend your wedding, but we will look forward to (the family reception my mom is planning).

Sister responds: I understand that you may not be able to join. If you or you and (husband) end up finding a way to come to Canada without the kids, we would look forward to seeing you there. Please let us know by (date) so we can get a final head count.

I responded: No, you don't have the authority to dictate anything beyond who is invited to your wedding events. Good luck getting (older sibling who was planning to do the same thing as me) to attend. Momzilla is PISSED that I'm not coming to the wedding.

She has been telling me all sorts of untrue things about MYSELF: assigning me motives (you told your sister on x date to ruin her day**), telling me I should know details about the wedding guest list that haven't been told to me, saying I've been unkind to my sister (I haven't spoken to sister since those texts, but that's not out of the ordinary, and I have not been mean,

the only thing I have told her is that she doesn't have the authority to tell me how to parent my children or decide who travels with me), telling me I didn't give my sister the option of us bringing someone with us (I did, twice: at the restaurant and on the phone call, plus sent the above text). My mom is attacking me like a flying monkey about this and I am so over it.

** That story is that sister asked me if I could go dress shopping with her. My mom and I drove to where she lives and when we picked her up, the first thing my mom says to my sister is "you have to tell (aunt) and (cousin) they're not invited to the wedding."

Because her "intimate" wedding apparently would have only been immediate family and a couple friends, but my sister invited our aunt and cousin (who is like another sister and was one of my bridesmaids) to go dress shopping. I would have noped out of dress shopping had I known that up front. So when we were at dinner after dress shopping, she told aunt and cousin they weren't invited.

I was super uncomfortable about that aand stressed about other things and I should have kept my mouth shut, but I mentioned that we'd be bringing our kids to Canada but not to worry, we wouldn't impede on anything because we were going to stay offsite and either bring someone or get a sitter there for them for all necessary activities and they wouldn't be anywhere near the wedding or any other activities.

My sister turned frigid and told me that wouldn't be accepted and suggested we take it offline. So after we were driving home, she called (it was raining) and started telling me how unacceptable it was and that under no circumstances were my kids allowed in Canada during her wedding, etc.

She and her fiancé both spoke very heatedly, and I calmly answered their rapid fire questions the best I could, while repeatedly telling them they don't have the authority to decide how I parent my children so long as I'm not imposing them on her wedding events. She said bringing them to Canada imposes on her wedding events.

She made a bunch of suggestions (all are in the AITA post) about what I could do with my kids instead and told me that I should have known that I would be expected to do hair and makeup with her (I'm not in the bridal party and I hadn't agreed to anything) and that they have planned a full itinerary and that I was remiss for not asking about it when making our plans.


While I was out this afternoon, my mom stopped by unannounced with one of those bridesmaid gift boxes filled with a note asking me to be a bridesmaid and random crap like a eyemask that says "bridesmaid." It was from my sister, for me. She left it with my husband. Then, like 2 hours later, my mom texted me:

The gift that I brought over that was from (bride) is some thing that she ordered for you when she originally was planning to ask you to be a bridesmaid but she wanted to make sure that you got the gift anyway even if that didn't work out.


I sent a text to the bride last Sunday asking what was up with the bridesmaid gift and clarified my understanding of the situation (that I offered two ideas of how to have my kids cared for in a way that was comfortable for me and that she told me I would have to find a way to leave them at home). I haven't heard back.

I also told my mom I won't be responding to her calls or texts and that she may not stop by my house without an invitation. I don't like the way she's assuming the worst about me and all the codependency stuff is really coming to a head. But... The most juicy update is that the wedding date changed.

It changed a week before the bridesmaid gift debacle and my mom didn't say a single word to me about it either when I was on the phone with her multiple times that week or when I was at her house overnight one of the nights. The fact that my sister didn't reach out with the new information means we're not invited, plain and simple.

Now my brother isn't going either because he would have to leave for the wedding on his regular custody day--the literal day after his child's birthday--so the day he would be celebrating his child's birthday... and also miss a whole weekend of custody to go to the wedding... IF his ex would even go for that.

So we're going to plan a trip together that weekend so our kids can celebrate their birthdays together, since one of mine has a birthday 3 days earlier than my nephew. Also, it's a formal, black tie optional wedding but apparently they've opted for TEXTING the information and relying on a wedding website instead of actually sending invitations.

Best bit of information on the wedding website is that their "welcome event" is at a bowling alley. Because, you know, kids don't exist at Canadian bowling alleys.

Sources: Reddit
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