Hi! I (23F) and my Bf (23M) live together in a studio apartment. For his birthday I got him three things. He's really into art, so I got something he really wanted to work on his art. I also got him a unique mug and lastly I got him a lunchbox.
He has been complaining that he was having a hard time bringing lunch to work because he didn’t have one. I know it isn’t a glamorous gift, but I thought it would be a helpful one. Also my birthday was back in January and he didn’t even get me a birthday gift due to “financial issues.”
Anyway he was very disappointed when he opened the lunchbox gift and was very upset I got it for him. I explained why, and he was still upset. His birthday was on a Friday, so on Monday I guess I wasn’t thinking about it. I woke up early and made him his lunch, in the lunchbox I got him.
He became extremely pissed off, telling me that he didn’t even eat lunch week because his teeth were bothering him, and so because I didn’t remember he was even more mad.
He than went on a whole rant, making rude comments at me, demeaning my gift, and saying I don’t listen to him when I talk. While I was just trying to be helpful, and can’t remember everything he says to me! I also didn’t just get him a lunchbox, I got him other things he wanted. AITA?
Artistic_Tough5005 said:
NTA Your bf sounds like an ungrateful jerk! What did he want instead of a lunchbox( very thoughtful gift)?
PrincessBuzzkill said:
NTA. You got him several gifts, only one if which offered a solution to a problem he continued to tell you about. Then he found reasons to complain about THAT. On top of that, he didn't get anything for your birthday? Not even a card? Girl. Throw the whole man away. He's not going to get better - he's only going to get worse.
EvilWarBW said:
Pretty sure he's buying lunch daily and doesn't want you to know. Either way, NTA.
Beginning-Credit6621 said:
NTA, and a toothache is no excuse for the way he's treating you.
Survivor_of_hells said:
You are NTA, but I think deep down you know that. Deep inside you know he is taking advantage of you. You know he doesn't respect or appreciate you or anything you do for him.
He should have been over the moon! He wanted a lunchbox, you got him one. You also bought him what he really wanted, and instead of being happy that he got what he wanted and something he said he needed.
He didn't even get you anything for your birthday with some flimsy excuse. May I ask, what does he do for you? You buy him gifts, he doesn't get you anything. You make and pack his lunch for him. I'd really like to know if he reciprocates any of your generosity or loving kindness? It would add some context.
MasacreAuditivo said:
NTA - It sounds like he's just being ungrateful and a jerk. You don't remember everything he says??? He's probably upset because you bought him something he asked for.
Human-Obligation3621 said:
NTA your gift was thoughtful and your boyfriend sounds really ungrateful and horrible. If this is abnormal behavior, I would talk to him and find out what else is going on that is causing him to act like that. If this is the way he typically behaves, I would move on because there is a more thoughtful and kind man out there in the world for you.