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Man refuses to 'ruin' vacation and drive 1.5 hours to fix his wife's mistake.

Man refuses to 'ruin' vacation and drive 1.5 hours to fix his wife's mistake.


Packing for a vacation is stressful. Clothes, medicine, and toiletries are all necessities, but you may forget something important. You can usually make it work or find a replacement at your destination. Other times your vacation may be totally ruined.

On a popular Reddit thread in the Am I the A%#hole Subreddit, a man and his wife ruined their vacation because someone forgot the probiotics.

He writes:

I dropped our kids off with my parents earlier today and drove to our rental house a few hours away for a long weekend without the kids.

The drive goes well, and I arrive and unpack when my wife realizes she forgot her probiotics. She starts freaking out, and I tell her I’m sure she’ll be fine for two nights, and she starts yelling at me because 'I just don't understand how important these probiotics are to her health.'

I suggest that I run to the Vitamin Shoppe tomorrow morning. She says that’s unacceptable because they won’t have the right brand.

She then states that she wants to go home and that our vacation is 'ruined.' I am now beyond exasperated and go to take a shower.

I get out, and she wants me to drive over an hour away (in each direction) to get the probiotics she’s missing. Our house is 1.5 hours away, so I might as well drive home and avoid spending money on the probiotics she expects me to find.

I told her no, and told her she would be fine for 48 hours. She called me an a&%hole and is now not talking to me.

This story exasperates the internet.

MyNextVacation says:

Why couldn’t she drive home for the probiotics and let you relax? She forgot them, then yelled at you. Does she usually take out her frustrations on you?

missdeb99912 says:

NTA, but it sounds like something else is going on.

AdMedical5299 says:

NTA. She can drive to get them herself if it's THAT important. It's not your fault she forgot them.

LC_001 says:

NTA! Though your wife sounds like real piece of work. My condolences!

Sources: Reddit
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