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MOH 'ruins' sister's wedding by refusing to cover birthmark with 'professional stage makeup.' AITA?

MOH 'ruins' sister's wedding by refusing to cover birthmark with 'professional stage makeup.' AITA?


"AITA for 'ruining' my sister's wedding by refusing to cover up my scars and birthmark?"

I have a pretty big birthmark and some burn scars on the left side of my face from an accident when I was little. I've learned to love them as they're just part of who I am and I live a normal life.

My sister's getting married next month and dropped this bomb on me yesterday. She wants me to get "professional stage makeup" done to completely cover my birthmark and scars for her wedding because, in her words, "the photos need to be perfect and you'll ruin them looking like that." She even said I'm "being inconsiderate and lame loser" by not agreeing since "it's her special day."

I'm supposed to be her maid of honor. I've helped with literally everything, spent a ton on the bachelorette party, and even learned how to bustle her ridiculous dress. But apparently my face is too ugly for her perfect wedding pics.

When I said no, she started crying and called our mom. Mom says I should "just do this one thing for my sister" and that I'm being difficult. My sister's now threatening to replace me in the wedding party with our cousin if I don't agree. I told her fine, get the cousin, I'm not covering up who I am for anyone's photos.

Now half the family is blowing up my phone saying I'm selfish and trying to make the wedding about me. Like, am I going crazy here? I've never hidden my face and I'm not starting now, not even for my sister's "perfect" wedding.

Here's what top commenters had to say about this one:

VII_187 said:

NTA. If you looking as you naturally do would “ruin” her wedding then she can get somebody else. Good on you for standing your ground.

Jazzlike-Bird-3192 said:

Your sister told said you will ruin the photos by looking how you look????!!!! That’s beyond insensitive and obnoxious. I’d skip the wedding altogether. Make plans with people who love you for you. NTA.

stiggley said:

NTA you are you - she obviously doesn't accept that and wants the real you to be hidden away, after taking so much money from you. Also, and this is for everyone - STOP PAYING FOR OTHER PEOPLES WEDDING CRAP. ITS THEIR WEDDING, THEY SHOULD PAY.

It's not the job of the MOH to pay for everything. Help organise, yes, foot the bill, no. If you want to maliciously comply and send her a big F-U, go with a Phantom of the Opera mask, the facial scars are covered.

victimofphysics said:

"Just do this one thing for her?" Tell your mother you have done a lot of things for your sister already, and they could do just this one thing for you and respect you as a person. NTA.

LunaSings said:

NTA. Your body, your choice. It's incredibly shallow of your sister to prioritize "perfect photos" over your comfort and confidence.

Ok_Childhood_9774 said:

NTA, and I would tell her you'll never be as "ugly" outside as she is inside. And that goes for your mom, too.

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