WickedYummy writes:
Okay y’all, buckle up because this is WILD. I (25F) am getting married in a few months, and I've been planning this day for almost TWO years. My fiancé and I have been dreaming of this perfect outdoor ceremony with all of our closest family and friends, and honestly, I couldn’t be more excited. BUT here’s where things get insane.
So, a little backstory—my cousin (27F) is pregnant with her second child. Great, right? Except, she’s ALWAYS making everything about herself. You know the type… like at every family event, she’s got to be the center of attention. I love her, but it’s honestly exhausting.
ANYWAY, fast forward to last week when she calls me and casually drops, "Hey, I was thinking, wouldn’t it be AMAZING if we did the gender reveal at your wedding??" I’m sitting there like, girl… WHAT??? She starts going off about how perfect it would be to have a ‘big moment’ where everyone finds out the gender during my reception, and how I should "totally do a balloon release or confetti pop for her." As if this is HER day!
I tried to be nice and told her that, uh, my wedding wasn’t really the best time for that, and that I kind of wanted the day to be, you know, about me and my fiancé. I thought she’d understand, but she got PISSED. She started accusing me of "stealing her joy" and "not being supportive," and said I was "selfish" for not wanting to share the spotlight on my wedding day.
Now my whole family is divided. My aunt (her mom) is telling me I’m being a bridezilla and should “just let her have this moment,” but my friends are like, “uh, girl NO.” Even my fiancé is like, “Why is this even a conversation???” So now I’m sitting here wondering, AITA for not wanting a gender reveal to hijack MY WEDDING?
Cool_Till_3114 says:
You know that you’re not. You have to uninvite her and hire security. Sorry about your family drama at your wedding, cause this girl is going to do this with or without your permission.
kurokomainu says:
Uninvite her. Tell any flying monkeys that, with no apologies whatsoever, this is your wedding and not her gender reveal. She is quite welcome to organize whatever event she wants for her gender reveal, but you are not allowing her to hijack your wedding so she doesn't have to go to the trouble and expense. For them to even cast a shadow over your wedding day with this massive entitlement is a damned cheek. NTA.
simplyyysitti says:
Girl, you are NTA! Your wedding is YOUR day, not a stage for her to steal the spotlight. Just because she’s having a baby doesn’t mean she gets to hijack your moment.
Zealousideal_Till683 says:
Obviously, if she is so upset about this, the polite thing to do is rescind her invitation, so she won't feel obliged to attend a wedding where she can't "share the spotlight" with the bride.